Lord Of The Flies
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"...stood there among the skull-like coconuts..." (Golding, 10) I beleive that yhis is bad omen of death. That he is going to bring pain and suffering to all who sees his evil naked body. "...Ralph's face was dark with breathlessness..." (Golding, 17). Ibelieve that his dark sign of his intense evilness. And the breathlessness was a foreshadowing how he plans to kill all of the other boys in the tribe. "...flung themeselves down and lay grinning and panting at Ralph like dogs." This is showing how I believe Ralph will choose to rule over them. He was acting like he was the absolute master and they were his slaves. "He's not fatty," cried Ralph, "his real name is Piggy!" (Golding,21). By betraying his friends sacred trust you can tell that this character is the true devil figure. He can't be trusted, he will use anything to get what wants. "Marked him out: there was his size and attractive appearance; and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch." (Golding,22). He has proclaimed his power with his physical appearance. By intimidating every one else with his looks. He is using the conch as his source of power. Which is only giving him power by loudness and voice.