Acaja |
Achaea, region in northern Morea. |
Acri |
Acre, port in northern Palestine. See a page on its medieval monuments. |
Alessandria |
Alexandria, main port of Egypt. See a page on XIXth century Alexandria. |
Papa Alessandro |
Rinaldo di Jenne, Pope Alexander IV (1254-61) |
Alessio Comneno |
Alexius I (1048-1118) Byzantine Emperor (1081-1118) |
Alessio IV |
Alexius IV (1182-1204) Byzantine Emperor (1203-04) |
Andrea Doria |
Andrea Doria (1466-1560), ruler of Genoa and Admiral of the Imperial fleet of Charles V. |
Andrea Doria |
Gian Andrea Doria (1539-1606), ruler of Genoa and Commander of part of the Imperial fleet at Lepanto in 1571. |
Andrinopoli |
Adrianopolis town in Thrace. Current Turkish name: Edirne. See a page on Adrianopolis. |
Andro |
Andros, island in the Aegean Sea, between Negroponte and Tine. See a page on
the fortress of Andro. |
Andronico |
Andronicus IV (1348-85), Byzantine Emperor (1376-79). |
Antiparo |
Small island in the Cyclades, opposite Paros. See a page on Antiparo. |
Antivari |
Port in Northern Albania, now in Montenegro. Current name: Bar. |
Arcadia |
Region in the central part of Morea. |
Argos |
Argos, ancient town in the eastern part of Morea. See a page on
the fortress of Argos. |
Ariadeno Barbarossa |
Khayr al Din (1465-1546) corsair and admiral of the Turkish fleet (1534) |
Armata |
Fleet |
Armata grossa |
Fleet of large ships equipped with long distance cannons |
Armata sottile |
Fleet of small ships propelled by oars |
Arta |
Arta, town near Preveza. See a page which covers also the
the fortress of Arta. |
Atene |
Athens. See a page on Atene. |
Bailo |
Title of the Venetian Ambassador in Constantinople |
Baldovino |
Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem (1118-31) |
Baldovino Conte di Fiandra |
Baldwin (1171-1206) Count of Flanders, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (1204-05) |
Baldovino Secondo |
Baldwin II (1217-73), Latin Emperor of Constantinople (1228-61) |
Barbaro |
A derogative reference to the Turks |
Barberia |
The part of the coast of Africa corresponding to today's Tunisia and Algeria. |
Boemondo |
Bohemond, (1051-1111) son of Robert Guiscard, was one of the leaders
of the First Crusade. He gained for himself Antioch. See a page on Antioch. |
Bonifacio |
Boniface 1150-1297, Marquis of Montferrat, one of the leaders of the Fourth Crusade. |
Braccio-di-Maina |
Last part of the central peninsula of Morea
ending with Capo Matapan. See a page on the Fortresses of Maina. |
Butintrò |
Buthrotum, ancient town in the Albanian coast opposite
Corfù. See a page on Butintrò. |
Caffa |
Port in Crimea, today known as Feodosiya. |
Calamata |
Kalamata, port in the southern part of Morea. See a page on Calamata |
Calavvita |
Kalavrita, town in the northern part of Morea. |
Calojanni |
John V Palaelogus (1331-1391), Byzantine Emperor (1341-47 ,1354-76, 1379-90) |
Candia |
Large island between the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Today it has
resumed its ancient name of Crete. Main town of the island, today known as Iraklion. See a page on the island and a page
on the town. |
Canea |
Port in the north western coast of Candia. Current name Xania. See a page on the Fortress of Canea. |
Capitan Bassà |
Kapudan Pasha, title given to the Commander of the Turkish fleet. |
Capo Colonna |
Cape at the end of Attica, named after the columns of a temple, today Cape Sounion. See a page on the temple. |
Capo d'Oro |
Cape at the eastern tip of Negroponte. Current Greek name: Cape Kafireas. |
Capo Malìo |
Cape at the end of a long peninsula of Morea between the Gulf of Laconia and the Aegean Sea. Current name: Cape Malea |
Capo Matapan |
Cape at the end of a long peninsula of Morea between the Gulf of Messenia and the Gulf of Laconia. Current name: Cape Tenaro |
Carlo V |
Charles V, (1500-58) Emperor (1519-56) of Spain and Austria. |
Carlovvitz |
Carlowitz, small town in Serbia, where in 1699 was signed the peace treaty between the Austrian Empire/Poland/Venice and the Ottoman Empire. |
Castel di Morea |
Fortress on the southern side of the strait between the Gulf of Corinth and the Gulf of Patras. See a page on
Castel di Morea. |
Castel di Romelia |
Fortress on the northern side of the strait between the Gulf of Corinth and the Gulf of Patras. See a page on
Castel di Romelia. |
Castel-Rosso |
Very small island to the east of Rhodes,
next to the mainland. Current Greek name: Kastelorizo. See a page on Castelrosso. |
Castelli |
The Ottoman castles protecting the Dardanelli. See a page on the castle of Kale Sultanieh and a page on the castle of Kilitbahir. |
Cataro |
Little port at the end of a very deep fjord in the coast of Montenegro. Current name: Kotor. |
Catterina Cornara |
Caterina Cornaro, last Queen of Cyprus. See a page on her. |
Cefalonia |
Large island in the Ionian Sea. See a page on its fortresses. |
Cerigo |
Island between the coasts of Morea and Candia.
Also known as Citera. Current Greek name: Kithira. See a page on the fortress of Cerigo. |
Cerigoto |
Small island near Cerigo. Current Greek name: Antikithira. |
Chielafà |
Kelefa, fortress near the town of Areopoli in Maina. See a page on the Fortresses of Maina. |
Cipro |
Cyprus, major island in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. |
Cismes |
Small port near Smirne, opposite the island of Scio. Current Turkish name: Cesme. See a page on Cismes. |
Chisamo |
The most western port of Candia. Current Greek name: Kissamos or Kasteli. See a page on the fortress of Chisamo
Clemente XI |
Giovan Francesco Albani (1649-1721) Pope Clement XI (1700-21). |
Climinò |
Kilini, port in the western coast of Morea. See the
fortress of Castel Tornese which protected it. |
Contrascarpa |
Slope of ditch in fortifications. |
Corfù |
Name of an island and its main town located opposite the coasts
of Epirus and Albania in the northern part of the Ionian Sea. Current name in Greek Kerkyra. See a page on the Fortress of Corfù. |
Corinto |
Corinth, ancient town in the northern part of Morea.
See a page on the fortress of Corinto. |
Corone |
Today Koroni, fortress at the south western tip of Morea. See a page on the fortress of Corone |
Crimea |
Peninsula in the northern part of the Black Sea. |
Culuri |
Salamina, island near Egina. |
Curzolari |
Archipelago at the northern entrance of the Gulf of Patras. Current name: Oxia Islands |
Dalmazia |
Dalmatia, the eastern coast and the islands of the Adriatic Sea opposite
Central Italy, now part of the Republic of Croatia. See a section on this region. |
Damasco |
Damascus, now capital of Syria; see a section on Basic Damascus |
Dardanelli |
Dardanelles, long and narrow straits connecting the Aegean Sea with the Marmara Sea. |
Divano |
Divan, name given to the Ottoman government |
Dominante |
Reference to Venice or to the Venetian Senate |
Don Giovanni d'Austria |
Don John of Austria (1545-78), natural son of Charles V |
Dragomestre |
Dragomesti, village after which was named the gulf of the modern Greek town of Artakos. |
Dulcigno |
Port in northern Albania, now in Montenegro. Current name: Ulcinj. |
Durazzo |
Port of Central Albania |
Egina |
Aegina, island between the coasts of Morea and those of Attica. See a page on Egina. |
Emmanuello |
Manuel I (1123-80), Byzantine Emperor (1143-80) |
Esamilo |
The six mile long narrowest point of the Isthmus of Corinth. |
Famagosta |
Famagusta, main port of Cyprus. See a page on Famagosta. |
Fanò |
Islet to the north of Corfù. Current Greek name: Othoni. |
Filippo |
Philip II, (1527-98) King of Spain (1556-98) |
Fochies |
Port at the northern entrance of the Gulf of Smirne. Current Turkish name: Eski Foça. See a page on Fochies. |
Gastuni |
Gastouni, town in the eastern part of Morea. |
Giannina |
Ioanina, main town of Epirus. |
Giovanni Cantacuzeno |
John VI Cantacuzene (1293-1383), Byzantine Emperor (1347-54). |
Giovanni Comneno |
John II (1088-1143), Byzantine Emperor (1118-43) |
Giovanni Visconte |
John Visconti (1290-1354) ruler of Milan (1249-54). |
Girapetra |
Small port in the southern coast of Candia. Current Greek name Ierapetra. See a page on the fortress of Girapetra. |
Grabuse |
Fortress on an islet at the western tip of Candia. Current Greek name: Gramvousa. See a page on the fortress of Grabuse. |
Gran-Signore |
Reference to the Sultan. |
Ibraim |
Ibrahim, Ottoman Sultan (1640-48) |
Imbro |
Imbros, small island opposite the entrance of the Dardanelles. Current
Turkish name: Gokçeada. See a page on fortress of Imbro. |
Isacco Angelo |
Isaac II (1155-1204), Byzantine Emperor (1185-95 and 1203-04) |
Istmo |
The Isthmus of Corinth, the narrow piece of land connecting Morea
with the rest of Greece. |
Istria |
Istria, peninsula at the north eastern corner of the Adriatic Sea. Now split between Slovenia and Croatia. |
Joppe |
Jaffa, today Tel Aviv in Palestine |
Larissa |
Town in Thessaly. |
Lemno |
Limnos, isolated island in the northern part of the Aegean sea.
It was also called Stalimene. See a page on Lemno. |
Leondari |
Leondari, village in Arkadia, the central region of Morea. |
Lepanto |
Port in the northern coast of the Gulf of Corinto. Current Greek name: Nafpaktos. See a page on
the fortress of Lepanto. |
Livadia |
Town in Beotia. |
Maina |
In the southern part of Morea, the central peninsula ending
with Capo Matapan. See a page on the Fortresses of Maina. |
Malvasia |
Fortress and little port on the south eastern coast of Morea. Current Greek name: Monemvassia. See a page on Malvasia. |
Marc'Antonio Colonna |
Marcantonio Colonna (1535-84), Duke of Paliano. |
mari inferiori |
"Lower Seas" the Ionian Sea. |
mari superiori |
"Upper Seas" the Aegean Sea. |
Meemet |
Mehmet IV (1642-92), Ottoman Sultan (1648-87) |
Megara |
Town in the Isthmus of Corinth. |
Merlere |
Islet to the north of Corfù. Current Greek name: Erikoussa. |
Metelino |
Mitilini, large island next to the Asian coast of the Aegean Sea. See a page on the fortress of Metelino. |
Michele Paleologo |
Michael Palaeologus (1224-82), restored in 1261 the Byzantine Empire and was named Emperor Michael VIII |
Milo |
Milos, island of the Cyclades, in the Aegean Sea. See a page on Milo. |
Mirabello |
Small port on the southern part of Candia. Current Greek name Agios Nikolaos. See a page on the castle of Mirabello. |
Missolongi |
Messolongi, town in the northern coast of the Gulf of Patras. |
Mistrà |
Byzantine town near Sparta in Morea. See a page on Mistrà. |
Modone |
Today Methoni, fortress at the south western tip of Morea. See a page on the fortress of Modone. |
Montesanto |
A peninsula in the northern part of the Aegean Sea with Mount Athos. |
Morea |
Large peninsula in the southern part of Greece.Today it is known
by its ancient name, Peloponnese. |
Napoli di Romania |
Port of Morea in the Gulf of Argos. Current Greek name: Nafplion. See a page on its fortresses. |
Nasso |
Naxos, largest island of the Cyclades, in the Aegean Sea. See a page on Nasso. |
Natolia |
Anatolia, the large peninsula which constitutes the Asian part of Turkey. |
Natolicò |
Etolikò, town in the northern coast of the Gulf of Patras. |
Navarino |
Port in the Ionian coast of Morea. It is now known by its ancient name: Pilos. See a page on Navarino. |
Negroponte |
Island next to the northern coast of Attica today known by its ancient name, Euboea. In some cases the reference is to the main town of the island today known as Chalkì. See a page
on the town of Negroponte and a page on the
Venetian fortress of Castelrosso (in Negroponte) |
Niceforo |
Nicephorus III, Byzantine Emperor 1077-81 |
Nicopoli |
Nikopolis, ancient Roman town founded by Augustus. See a page on the Walls of Nikopolis. |
Nicosia |
Historical capital of Cyprus, currently split
between Greeks (Nicosia) and Turks (Lefkosa). See a page on Nicosia. |
Oltramarini |
Soldiers recruited "beyond the (Adriatic) sea", mainly in Schiavonia. |
Otranto |
Italian port marking the separation between the Adriatic and the Ionian seas. |
Paleocastro |
Small fortress at the eastern tip of Candia. See a page on Paleocastro. |
Parenzo |
Port in Istria. Current Croatian name Poreç. |
Paris |
Paros, island of the Cyclades. See a page on Paris. |
Passavà |
Passavas, village near the port of Githio in southern Morea. See a page on the Fortresses of Maina. |
Passarovvitz |
Passarowitz, German name of the Serbian town of Pozarevaç. |
Patrasso |
Port in the northern coast of Morea. Current name: Patras. See a page on the fortress of Patrasso. |
Paxo |
Paxi, small island to the south of Corfù. See a page on Paxo. |
Pera |
Port opposite Constantinople on the other side of the Golden Horn. Now a borough of Istanbul. |
Re Pietro |
Peter of Lusignan, King of Cyprus. |
Pio V |
Antonio Michele Ghislieri (1504-72), Pope Pius V (1566-72) |
Porta |
The Sublime Porte, Turkish title of the Ottoman government. |
Prevesa |
Preveza, port in the Ionian coast of continental Greece: see a page on the
fortress of Preveza. |
Psarà |
Islet to the west of Scio. |
Retimo |
Port in the northern coast of Candia midway between Canea and
the town of Candia. Current Greek name: Rethimno. See a page on the fortress of Retimo. |
Rivellino |
Outwork of fortifications, with two faces forming salient angle.
Roberto Guiscardo |
Robert Guiscard (1015-85) Norman duke of Puglia
and Calabria. He seized Corfù and Cefalonia, where he died in a village named after him, Fiskardo. |
Rodi |
Rhodes, large island between the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. See pages on Rhodes and the Knights of Rhodes. |
Ruggeri |
Roger II, (1095-1154). King of Sicily (1130-54) |
Samo |
Samos, large island next to the Asian coast of the Aegean Sea. |
Samotraci |
Samothraki, island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. See a page on its castle and an ancient shrine. |
Santa Maura |
Island in the Ionian Sea, very close to the mainland. Current Greek name: Lefkadas. See a page on its fortress. |
Sant'Irinni |
The island of the Cyclades closest to Candia. Current name: Thira or Santorini. See a page on Sant'Irinni. |
Sapienze |
Small island opposite the port of Modone. |
Sattalia |
Port on the Turkish coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Today a large touristic resort, known as Antalya. See a page on Sattalia. |
Schiattò |
Skiathos, small island in the northern part of the Aegean Sea. See a page on Schiatto. |
Schiavonia |
Name given to a region of Croatia next to Dalmazia |
Scio |
Chios, large island next to the Asian coast of the Aegean Sea. See a page on Scio. |
Scopia |
Skopje, now capital of the Former Jugoslav Republic of Macedonia. |
Selim |
Selim II, the Sot (1524-74), Ottoman Sultan (1566-74) |
Seraschiere |
Chief commander of the Turkish Army. |
Serraglio |
Palace of the Sultan in Constantinople. |
Sette-Torri |
Fortress/prison in the walls of Constantinople. Turkish name: Yedikule. See a page on the walls of Constantinople. |
Sidra |
Idra, island near the north eastern coast of Morea. |
Sittia |
Small fortress on the north eastern coast of Candia. See a page on Sittia. |
Smirne |
Large port and trading center on the Asian coast of the Aegean Sea. Current Turkish name Izmir. See a page on Roman Smyrna. |
Solimano |
Suleiman I, the Magnificent (1494-1566), Ottoman Sultan (1520-66) |
Spezie or Spezzia |
Spetse, island near the north eastern coast of Morea. See a page on
Spezie. |
Spinalonga |
Fortress on an islet in the Gulf of Mirabello. See a page on the fortress of Spinalonga. |
Stalimene |
Isolated island in the northern part of the Aegean sea.
It was also called Lemno (today Limnos). See a page on Lemno. |
Standia |
Islet a few miles from the town of Candia. Current Greek name: Dia |
S. Teodoro |
Fortress on an islet near Canea. See a page on the (lost) fortress of S. Teodoro. |
Suda |
Souda, fortress on a little islet not far from Canea. |
Tebe |
Thebes, ancient Greek town in Beotia. |
Tenedo |
Small island next to the Asian coast of the Aegean Sea,
near the ancient town of Troy. Current Turkish name Bozcaada. See a page on the fortress of Tenedo. |
Tessalonica |
Large port in the northern coast of the Aegean Sea. Current Greek name Thessaloniki. See a page on its monuments. |
Tine |
Tinos, small island located at the center of the Aegean Sea. See a page on the fortress of Tine. |
Tiro |
Tyrus, port in southern Lebanon. |
Trapani |
Port in the western tip of Sicily. |
Tripolizza |
Tripoli, main town of Arkadia, the central region of Morea. |
Tricalà |
Trikala, town in Thessaly. |
Uti possidetis |
Legal Latin formula meaning "what you have conquered, that you will retain". |
Vallona |
Valona, port in southern Albania. |
Valto |
District in western Greece named after mount Valtou. |
Vinegia |
Venice |
Volo |
Volos, port of Thessaly. |
Vonizza |
Vonitsa, little port in a gulf of the Ionian coast of
continental Greece: see a page on the
fortress of Vonizza. |
Xeromero |
Name of a district in Akarnania (near the modern town of Artakos). |
Zante |
Island in the Ionian Sea, very close to the coast of Morea. Current Greek name: Zakyntos. See a page on the fortress of Zante. |
Zara |
Important port of Dalmazia |
Zermata or Zarnata |
Fortress near the village of Kambos, to the south of Kalamata. See a page on the Fortresses of Maina. |
Zia |
Kea, the island of the Cyclades, closest to the mainland. |
il Zonchio |
Name given by the Venetians
to the bay of Navarino in the south western tip of
Morea. Current Greek name: Pilos. |