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Age of Kings ~ Info

- Maps                                                                  - Units
Buildings                                                           - Civilizations
Strategy                                                             - FAQs
- Common Abriviations                                        - Fact Sheet

Game Fact Sheet(obtained from Ensemble Studios)

Product Overview: Age of Empires II is the sequel to the award-winning, best-selling real-time strategy game Age of Empires. Age of Empires II spans a thousand years, from the Dark Ages to the late medieval period, in which players control the destiny of humankind from the fall of Rome through the Middle Ages. The game keeps the epic scope of Age of Empires' game play while evolving the combat, economic, trading and diplomacy features.

Starting with minimal resources, players are challenged to build their nations into great cultures. Gamers can choose from several ways to win, including conquering enemy civilizations, accumulating wealth by extensive trading and diplomacy, building and defending wonders of the world. Age of Empires II, being developed by Ensemble Studios, features the expertise of Bruce Shelley, co-designer of Age of Empires and the hit strategy game Civilization.

Currently under development at Ensemble Studios, Age of Empires II is under the guidance of gaming legend Bruce Shelley, co-designer of Age of Empires and Civilization.

New Features: In addition to making use of the features found in Age of Empires, Age of Empires II enhances the players' experience in the following areas:

* Combat:

Players can use garrisoning, military formations, and advantages in direction facing add interesting tactical choices. Units are also smarter, with new artificial intelligence (AI) options like Guard, Patrol and Follow as well as multiple aggression levels. Also boats will be able to ram or board enemy ships to capture them.

* Alternatives to combat:

Players can improve the economy of their civilization through expanded trade and diplomacy options. In addition to gathering resources, they can trade at their own market or use trading routes with their allies. A market-based economy gives new options for players to buy, sell, and speculate on resources.

* Diverse cultures:

Gamers command one of 13 mighty civilizations. These include Franks, Japanese, Byzantine and the raiding Viking, Mongol and Celt civilizations. Each civilization has unique attributes, buildings and technologies as well as a particular combat unit based on its historical counterpart.

* Ease of use:

Production queues, improved navigation points and customizable hot-key systems have been added. In addition, more audio cues make empire management easier. Map shortcuts like gathering points make it easier for players to coordinate and plan their battles.

* A new era:

Players have more than a thousand years of evolution to build their nation into a powerful, flourishing empire. Buildings and units upgrade and improve as players pass through the Middle Ages.

* Achieve victory in many ways:

In contrast to the linear game play found in other real-time games, Age of Empires II lets gamers choose one of several ways to achieve world domination and ultimate victory:

- Domination of enemy civilizations

- Economic victory through accumulation of wealth

- Building and defending wonders of the world

* Choose a technology path:

Age of Empires II lets gamers choose from numerous technological paths to help lead their civilization to greatness. From an economic path of farming and craftsmanship to a military route of siege and naval warfare, the game comes with a technology tree that has more than 100 nodes, larger than one player could possibly complete in just one game.

* Experience intense single and multiplayer game play:

Enhanced historical campaigns, a random map generator and a scenario and campaign editor offer players extensive replay value.Advanced Technology Support:

* Internet play for up to eight players via the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone, over a LAN or modem to modem.System Requirements:

- Multimedia PC with Pentium 133 or higher processor

- 32 MB of RAM

- 100 MB of hard disk space

- Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 98

- Super VGA, 256-color monitor supporting 800x600 resolution

- Quad-speed CD-ROM drive

- Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

- 28.8Kbps modem or higher (recommended for Internet play)

- Internet access required for Internet play

- Audio board with speakers or headphones

Publisher: Microsoft Corp.

* Developer Information: Age of Empires II is being developed by Ensemble Studios (ES), which represents a merging of talent from within the gaming world with a highly professional and seasoned management team. ES' primary goal is to produce top-quality, award-winning games in cooperation with Microsoft.

Format: CD-ROM for Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT(r) operating systems.


* Age of Empires II on CD-ROM is scheduled to be available in stores in 1999 for approximately $54.95.

The information contained in this preview sheet relates to prerelease software product that may be substantially modified before its first commercial release. Accordingly, the information may not accurately describe or reflect the software product when first commercially released. This preview sheet is provided for informational purposes only, and Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the fact sheet or the information contained on it.

Microsoft, Age of Empires, Windows and Windows NT are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Common Abbreviations - Categorized


Units - Dark Age

villager - vill, vil, villy


Units - Feudal Age

man at arms - m@a

spearman - spear

skirmisher - skirm

scout cavalry - scout, scout cav


Units - Castle Age

longswordsman - lsword, longsword

pikeman - pike

eagle warrior - ew, ewarrior

elite skirmisher - eskirm

crossbowman - xbow, crossbow

cavalry archer - cav archer, ca

light cavalry - lt cav, lc, light cav

demolition ship - demo, demo ship

scorpion - scorp

trade cart - cart


Units - Imperial Age

two-handed swordsman - 2 h sword, 2 handed sword

champion - champ

halberdier - halb

elite eagle warrior - eew, eewarrior

heavy cavalry archer - hca, heavy cav archer, heavy ca

arbalest - arb

hand cannonneer - hc

paladin - pal

fast fire ship - ffs

cannon galleon - cgalleon

elite cannon galleon - ecgalleon

trebuchet - treb

heavy scorpion - hscorp

bombard cannon - bc, bbc, bombard


Unique Units (elite - add an "e" in front. e. g. elbow)

unique unit - UU

jaguar warrior - jw, jagw

longbowman - lbow, longbow

cataphract - cat, phract

woad raider - woad

cho ko nu - ckn

throwing axeman - ta

war wagon - ww

turtle boat - tboat

plumed archer - pa, parcher

war elephant - we, war ele, ele

mameluke - mam

conquistador - conq

teutonic knight - tk

janissary - jan

longboat - lboat


Unique Technologies

unique technology - UT


Buildings - Dark Age

town center - TC

barracks - rax


Buildings - Feudal Age

archery range - range, archery

blacksmith - smith

watch tower - usually called:  tower


Buildings - Castle Age

university - univ

siege workshop - workshop


Strategy Types

feudal rush - flush

dark age TC rush - douche (not available in Aok:TC)

castle rush - crush

mush - monk rush

smush - saracen monk rush

gush - galley rush



Line of Sight - LOS

economy - econ

population - pop

strategy - strat

Age of Kings: The Conquerors - AoK: TC, TC, x-pack

Ensemble Studios - ES


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                                    © 1999-2002 Will Roman.  Created by WW Design.                                      
Best view with 800x600 16 bit resolution or greater.