Command Lines: To use one of the
following, (in Windows 95 & +) go to the "Start" menu, and
click on "Run." Find the "empires2.exe" file on your
hard drive (by clicking on "Browse"). This will usually
be: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\empires2.exe"
(exactly like that). After you have done that, and have it in
"Open" line, put the curser after the last set or quotation marks
(") and type the command line. Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Age of Empires II\empires2.exe" NoStartup
(exactly like that).
Command Line: |
Result: |
800 |
Sets the screen resolution for the
game to 800 x 500 pixels. |
1024 |
Sets the screen resolution for the
game to 1024 x 768 pixels. |
1280 |
Sets the screen resolution for the
game to 1280 x 1024 pixels. |
Autompsave |
This will cause the game to save every
5 (or so) minutes. |
Mfill |
Fixes horizontal line display issues
and black screen areas that may occur with some video adapter configs. |
Msync |
Fixes a problem where the computer
stoprs responding with some SoundBlaster AWE configurations. |
NormalMouse |
Replaces the custom mouse pointer with
a standard mouse pointer. |
NoStartup |
Skips all cinematic sequences before
the game starts. |
NoMusic |
Turns off all music. |
NoSound |
Turns off all sounds, except those
played in cinematics. |
NoTerrainSound |
Turns off all terrain sounds. |