Sam: Mom we have cinimax we don't need to discuss sex.
Brooke: Sam's right for once.

Jane: Now Sam, Brooke I am not one of those parents who live in denial.
Sam: Oh please be one of those parents.

Sam: Is this really happening?
Brooke Yhea I think it is.

Sam: Ok who could have imagined that this little rubber guy could possibly save my life and yet ruin it at the same time.
Harrison: Why do you need a condom, saving ti up for a rainy day? Well..
Lily: Excuse me, take this you need it more than she does. (Lily gives sam's condom to some other girl.)

April: (Sam asks Leo what he's doing at the school) Here's the 411 nosey butt face. Leo here is a broke dreamer looking for direction in his life, and to make money until he finds his way, he's offering tennis lessons. Any sport loving it, is a sport he excels at. got it.
May: We can't wait to smack you're tennis balls on the court Leo.

Lily: Carm, honey what's wrong?
Sam: She watched Sleepless in Seattle again this moring.
Carmen: So sue me if I want a little mystery and Maggie romance.
Harrison: You know what's a mystery to me, chicks. I hang out with them, I love them, but I never get em. I mean what is it, am I so horrifying to look at.

Sam: If I want a boyfriend I guess I'll just have to sign up for one.
Carmen: Disposable. What finish your sentence.
Brooke: What are they giving them away somewhere.

Brooke: I always suspected that you were part camel..
Sam: I worked out Brooke. you know, you should try more excercise other than you NC thighmaster presents in the backseat of Josh's car.

Lily: Wow Nicole, I'm impressed you recognized these are condoms while totally sober.
Nicole: Let me give you a little advise, girl stick figure, endorse something you know about, may I suggest brestimplants, your boyish figure is absolutly chilling.

Mike: Wow, Sam you look great in that dress, is it new?
Brooke: Yes it is, I bought it yesterday.

Brooke: Oh gosh Sam I don't mean to be valgur but aren't you worried about your and Leo's age differance, there is the whole gender gap, not to mention, Leo, the jail bait problem.
Mike: I think I speak for Jane and myself... exacly how old are you?
Leo: Well sir, old enough to know I have to act responsible.

Sam: So Josh is this your first time here?
Josh: Ah no Sam, i've been here lots of times.
Sam: No,I mean in her room without pillows.

Hotel: (Harrison passes the hotel manager a fake id)Fake?(Harrison nods yes) Virgin?(Harrison nods his head yes) Hooker? (Harrison nods his head no) Can you pay for a room.

Leo: Should I carry you back?
Sam: No, I think the swelling has gone down. (Sam and Leo leave)
jane: Well her swelling may have gone down but you kow his hasn't.

Sam: I was hoping for something a bit lower. (She tells Leo after he kisses her on the forhead)

Lily: I don't know, in theroy it all made sense but you were right about me, I do put up walls and the problem is on the other side of the wall I see a friend.
Harrison: And you're worried sex may ruin that.
Lily: No, I mean that's how I look at you.
Harrison: You're not attracted to me?
Lily: If your honest with yourself you'll realize that's how you feel about me too.
Harrison: Totally, yhea I think you maybe right. I mean yhea totally.
Lily: I'm going to be a fruitatarian.
harrison: Where do you think up this stuff.
Lily: I don't know.

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