Thumpa (Devil)

Send me your films, suggestions, queries or insults. I'll reply where possible.

Site Links

The Official Scenario Page: Get the latest info, sign-up and generally admire the hard-work done by these chaps.
The Gamestorm Gateway:Want to sign up to play AW3 for $9.95 a month?
Lone1's Dweeb Files:Need to know more first? Curious about what famous names look like? Lone1's comprehensive site is a great place to start - Visit the pilot Links to get information from those who know best - The players.
The Kraits home page:Heres where you get those great Desert modifications.
Flying Dutchman's Page:A dedicated and well known AW'er produces a great site with lots of advice, info and 3D pics - Check it out.
345's Page: Another long time AW'er satisfies all your pic needs - some great internal and scenario shots here. Go vist Now!
Fidd's Total Converter: Fed up of wandering around the web trying to find the best skins for AW3? well your troubles may soon be over as some of the definitive skin-makers in the community headed by Fidd get ready to launch an all-in-one package that will immediately convert your planes to the necessary skins. Check here for the latest developments!

Scenario Kursk

Vermillions Stuka ***: A JU87 bombs a Russian factory in Scenario Kursk
BC and the IL-2 **: A mighty pretty plane flown by BlackCat.
A slice of Kursk ***: Wrgwy flying, Sniv fighting & Verm going nuts.
Goner & Westy go Red ***: Goner & Westy show off the best of commie military airpower.
109's v the Reds **: +Dead & Bwlone take on the commies.
345 in a Yak and a 25 ***: 345 Through Kursk.


B17 Skins : A variety of 17 Skins.
Various Skins : A variety other fighter skins.
Desert warfare : Krait Squadron sets up AW3 for Desert Warfare
Other Cards and misc. pics.: pics from other 3D cards including shots sent in by themselves.

Scenario Pics

OK now you're in you might as well have a look at the pics. Basically they're scenario pics so far, they are rated by a star system per page,1-4 stars. If you see a four star page, visit it if you only visit one page. All pics 'should' have downloaded within 40 seconds thanks to the chappies at ACDsee and all are captured from films using my CL V2 3D Blaster. Go ahead and enjoy and if you get a minute drop me a line if you recognise yourself in any of the pics and i'll try and include your comments, also if any problems are encountered.

By the way, if YOU have any scenario films of your heroic actions or flaming deaths,use the email link to send them, i'll look and try and get them up here.Please also include a description of what you thought was happening and how you felt about it or else i'll just fill. Non-scenario films are also welcomed but they wont get the same air-time as scenario pics unless its a mighty fine Furball. Go Now, get yourself immortalised.

Scenario Target Germany

Frame1 - B25 Raid ***: KenJr leads the way with B25's.
Frame2 - The 110 hurls *: Extreme boredom, then death.
Frame3 - The 190A8 Tango **: Witch Squad tangles with a bunch of 38's.
Frame4 - The 109F Demon ***: 2 inside shots i thought were good + a good kill.
Frame4 - Killing the Stream ****: Kdf's lone attack on the 10 B17's. Must see.
Frame5 - 190A8 v P51 **: #2 is one of my favourite shots - Krusher takes the late 51.
Frame5 - Bf109 v P38 ***: FD kills a 38 then suckers some down to the Flak Trap.
Frame5 - Witch in Target Germany. **: Witch tangles with a bunch of P47 and gets a brace of 17's.
Frame5 - Thumpa & Witch get some.**: The brief story of killing a 25 Raid.
Frame5 - Brookes 262. ****: Brooke rips up a 25 raid with his 262 - includes some new '25 skin.
Frame6 - Brookes 262 Again. ****: Brooke has another go, another favourite pic for me, a 262 and a 17 close up.
Frame7 - KenJr in his 17. **: KenJr leads his stream deep into enemy territory.
Frame7 - KDF attacks the unsecorted Buffs. ***: Frame 7 fun with KdF and the unsecorted buffs.
Westy through TG ***: Westy flies the Jug and the 38 in TG - he would have got 4 stars if he hadnt shot my 110.

Scenario Rabaul

Vampire over Rabaul ***: Vampire in his F6F takes on Ki's, Zeros and some nosey 109's.

Scenario Guadalcanal

Skins: A coupla Guadalcanal Skins for download (pics).
Guad Frame 1: A collage of frame 1 stuff until after the scenario, when i'll be outting up the individual stuff.


WarNight: A warnight page - lotsa fun in the desert.