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Student Objectives: Use AutoComplete; Make corrections using AutoCorrect, automatic spell checking, and automatic grammar checking; Check the spelling and grammar of a document; Insert the date and time; Use the Thesaurus; Find specific text and replace it with other text.

What is AutoComplete?
1) It guesses certain words you are keying from the first few letters and then suggests the entire word.
2) For example, if you type Dece, the word December automatically appears. 
3) AutoComplete can also automatically put in days of the week, months, or the current date.

What is Automatic Spell Checking?
1) It identifies misspellings and words that are not in Word's dictionary by underlining them with a wavy red line.
2) To correct a misspelled word position the pointer on the word and right click; a shortcut menu appears where you can select the correct spelled word.

What is AutoGrammar Checking?
1) Similar to automatic spell checker, it checks your document for grammatical errors.  It will underline it with a green wavy line.
2) AutoGrammar looks for capitalization errors, commonly confused words, misused words, passive sentences, punctuation problems, or other types of grammatical problems.
3) To see suggestions on how to correct the error, right-click; a shortcut menu appears to select another word or phrase.

How do I check spelling and grammar after I have typed an entire document?
1)  It is done by clicking the Spelling/Grammar button/icon (the ABC check button) or by choosing Tools, Spelling and Grammar from the menubar.

How can I quickly insert the current date and time into a document?
1) By choosing Insert, Date and Time from the menu bar.  Then select your desired date format.
2) Another way is to begin typing the current date in your document, and Word will use the AutoComplete feature to put in the remaining letters after you press Enter.

What command or feature is useful for finding a synonym or a word with a similar meaning?
1) Tools, Language, Thesaurus (Ex. joy, happy)
2) A thesaurus doesn't not give definitions!!! It does allow you to quickly replace selected words with other synonyms.  
3) Sometimes, the Thesaurus feature will let the user select antonymns (words with opposite meanings) as well.

What command or feature lets you quickly find the occurrence of a word or phrase?
1) Edit, Find.  
2) The Find command locate whole or partial words.  It will also locate every occurrence of the word or phrase starting at the point of the insertion point or cursor.

What command or feature lets you quickly find a word or phrase, but then replace it?
1) Edit, Replace.
2) The Replace command is an extended version of the Find command. 
3) It can either replace 1 occurrence of the word or phrase by pressing the Replace button, or all occurrences of the word or phrase by pressing the Replace All button.

What are some of the Search options in the Find and Find/Replace dialog box?
1) Search: Lets you search for a word or phrase either from the insertion point down or the entire document.
2) Match case: Searches for words with the same case (upper or lower) as that keyed in the Find What box. (i.e. December versus december)
3) Finds whole words only: Finds only a specific word such as "all", but not words with "all" in them.
4) Use wildcards: Searches for a words using a question mark or asterisk called a wildcard, along with characters. (example: the user typing in "sch***" instead of typing "school"
5) Sounds like: Locates words that sound alike, but are spelled differently.
6) Find all word forms: Lets you find different forms of words.  For example: run, ran, runs, running.