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Student Objectives: Create and use templates and wizards; Insert, format, and revise tables; Save a document as a Web page and apply a theme; Understand integration basics; Insert a hyperlink in a document.

What is a template?
1) It is a file that contains page and paragraph formatting and text that you can customize to create a new document similar to but slightly different from the original.
2) It is built in documents in the software such as letters, memos, resumes, etc.
3) Command: To open an existing Word template, choose File, New and choose your template.  Word saves templates with a .dot extension. (Note: A user can create his or her own extension)

What is a wizard?
1) It is similar to a template, but it asks you questions and creates a document based on your answers.
2) There are wizards for memos, letters, faxes, report, Web pages, etc.
3) Command:  File, New, then choose a wizard tab.

What is a table?
1) An arrangement of rows and columns similar to a spreadsheet.  Sometimes they are easier to use than aligning text with tabs.
2) Command:  Insert, Table or the Table Icon.  User must specify number of rows and or columns.

What is a cell?
1) Where rows and columns intersect. 
2) Each piece of text is placed in a cell.  Cells can be inserted or deleted.  The Tab key moves the cursor or insertion point from cell to cell.

How can rows and columns be deleted?
1) Tables can be revised or changed by adding or deleting rows and or columns.
2) Command: Select the row or column, then choose the command from the Table menu to either insert or delete rows or columns. Table, Insert or Table, Delete

How can a user change Table Formatting?
1) Table formatting can be changed by changing the alignment, font, style, color, size of data in column or row just like it's been done with previous text.
2) Borders and Shading can also be done by selecting a row or column, then going to the Format menu and choosing Border/Shading.

How can table structure be modified or changed?
1) Rows and Columns can be split (transforming a cell into 2 or more columns or rows) or merged (to create one cell out of several small cells)  Choose the Split Cells or Merge Cells from the Tables/Borders toolbar.
2) Text within a table can also be rotated horizontally or vertically.  Choose the Change Direction icon from the Tables/Borders toolbar.

How do I convert Word documents into Web documents?
1) Word documents can be converted into web pages by choosing File, Save As Web Page from the menu bar.
2) Word converts the document to a HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) format so that it can be uploaded to the internet.
3) Web Layout View is what Word switches to when documents are converted to a web page.

What is a theme?
1) A theme is a good way to enhance a Web page.  It is a pre-formatted design that you can apply to a document to enhance its appearance without changing the content.
2) Themes change color, fonts, and the formatting of your document to provide a new look. 
3) Command: Format, Theme
4) To view your document as it will look in a web browser, choose File, Web Page Preview

How can Word documents be emailed?
1) By using Word as your email editor.
2) By emailing a copy of a document directly from Word
3) By sending the Word document as an email attachment.

What is Integration?
1) Integration means combining parts into a whole. A user can integrate data within an application.
2) For example, in Word you can insert a web hyperlink that connects 2 documents together or embed an object within a document.

What are the ways to use Integration in Microsoft Office?
1) To insert a hyperlink to link to either a document or a Web page.  Hyperlinks will be blue with a blue underline. Hyperlinks connect 2 documents or 2 webpages or a document to a webpage.
2) To use the Edit, Paste Special command to place text from one program/application to another (Ex. From Word to Excel or from Excel to Word)

What is the difference between the source file and the destination file?
1) The file you are moving data form is called the source file.
2) The file you are moving data to is called the destination file.