I want to here from you! I get lots of emails from people asking about projects I have on my website and related stuff. So feel free to ask away. I usually answer email in a couple of days.
Due to the overwhelming amount of junk mail I have received on previous accounts, I no longer use most of them. And to cut down on junk mail, I am 'encrypting' my email address. It is:
***Delete the Z's*** thunderZZZbirdZZZofZZZprey@yahoo.com ***Delete the Z's***
Cut and paste it into your email or click it, but delete out all the Z's, leaving no spaces. Sorry for the confusion / inconvenience, but hopefully this will keep the automated junk mailers from getting my true email address. The email is a combination of Thunder Bird, and Bird of Prey. Thunderbird being my car, and Bird of Prey from the Trekkie in me (the Bird of Prey is a Klingon Warship). I hope eventually my car will live up to its new name, a warship who is quick and maneuverable, and who's battle will be waged against the evil sport compacts lol!
Again, thank you for your interest in my webpages. Webmaster Tristan Stewart |