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Barb & Tristan's Wedding



The wedding:

       4 P.M. May 25th 2002

       Paradise United Church of Christ

       619 E. Main St.

       Louisville, Ohio



The Reception:

6 P.M. Following the Wedding

Lolli's Restaurant

4801 Dressler Rd. N.W.

Canton, Ohio




For our friends visiting from out of town, we have reserved rooms for your convenience at Best Suites Inn. This hotel is located within walking distance of Lolli's Restaurant. They have a several amenities, including indoor pool and hot buffet breakfast. For more information, including amenities, nearby attractions, and directions, check out their website at:

You will each have to individually reserve your room within 30 days of the wedding (by the end of April) and you must mention you are from the wedding party of Barb Bainter & Tristan Stewart to receive our discount.




will be up soon



Gift Registry:

We are registered at Sears, J.C. Penney, and Kaufmann's. Sears does not have their registry online but you can view their webpage at:  

J.C. Penney does have an online gift registry:

To use it, click the above link, choose 'wedding' on the left, select 'view / purchase from an existing registry', type in our # 28010028 or use either our names.  From this point you should  have access to our registry, and be able to click on items to view them. Kaufmann's also has an online registry. Go to  and select wedding registry on the top right. Look under 'guests' and select bride or groom and enter one of our names, and the Wedding Date is May 2002. If you didn't entire the entire name you will have to pick us from a list, our address is  Gahanna, Ohio. You can then shop from there.  A lot of items are not available online. If you go into the store, remember our registry # 11115854.



Note to Groom's Men:

We will be getting our Tuxes from The Men's Warehouse. You have until the end of April to get measured. Make sure to tell them our group # 84422. There is a $20 deposit due on the day of measurement. Pick up your Tux from your local store no later than Thursday, May 23rd. You will have to pay for the Tux when you pick it up, it will be $98 plus tax. The local store near where the wedding will be held will be able to press it for you on the day of the wedding, and will take them back the following day. 




If anyone is interested in doing anything on Sunday, or visiting us in Columbus, email me and we can try and coordinate it. We will be leaving for our honeymoon on Monday. 


4 - 5 - 2002

Tristan Stewart

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