![]() ![]() View at your own risk! Disclaimer: The projects discussed on this page are extremely dangerous and should not be attempted by those who are not properly experienced. The voltages and currents in use by my projects are extremely lethal, and proper safety precautions must be used at all times.
I currently have three complete
Tesla Coils in operation. However, the first coil has seen so many
upgrades that I have 4 'revisions' of it.
My first coil: "Quantum One". Click on the picture
to go to my Quantum One page and see the 4 revisions of the coil.
My second, and biggest coil:
"Quantum Two". Click on the picture to go to my Quantum Two page.
My third coil...my first twin!
Click on the image to go to my mini twin coil page
What is a Tesla Coil?
Don't know what a Tesla Coil is or want to learn more? Click here for a description of what a Tesla Coil is and how it works. Tesla Coil Links: I don't want to send people all over the net trying to find things, so I keep my list of links short. Here are what I think are the 5 best links for Tesla Coil stuff: [under construction] http://www.pupman.com This is the Tesla List Homepage. I believe this is the best single source for information on Tesla Coils. If you don't know what the Tesla List is, its a mailing list that has several hundred Tesla Coilers enrolled (completely free of course). Go to the website to learn more. This website also has over a hundred pictures of various Tesla Coils from the list members, including some coils that are nearly the largest in the world. Also contains many programs that are very useful in doing Tesla Coil design on a computer. Tesla Web Ring If you got to my website other than by the Tesla Web Ring, you should definitely check out the Web Ring if you have some time. This is a listing of almost all the websites on the internet that have anything to do with Nikola Tesla and his famous Tesla Coils. The
Arcstarter Page Bill
(The Arcstarter) and his gang have a lot of high voltage projects including
Tesla Coils, can crushers, quarter shrinkers, exploding hot dogs, and all
sorts of crazy stuff! I deem him a fellow 'mad scientist extraordinaire'!
The Next Step I am also going to try to build a smaller coil. This would be a twin coil - A.K.A. bipolar or 1/2 wave (1/2 lambda) Tesla Coil. In this system there would be two secondaries that have terminals 180 degrees out of phase. This makes the arc go between the two coils, and I assume there isn't a need for a super good ground like a classic coil needs. I think this would make it much more portable and easier to do demonstrations (because you needn't shove a long rod in the ground!). I am planning on about three foot arcs. Again, if anyone has any suggestions, please email me. My address should be at the bottom of this page. My first Pole Pig! ![]()
High energy capacitor experiments
Energy storage capacitors are extremely dangerous. Please do not even consider
using one without the proper safety training. The big capacitors
that I have described below are probably strong enough to 'take your arm
right off' if you got to near them when they were charged.
I currently have two Maxwell Energy Discharge Capacitors in my lab. I sometimes worry if my floor might collapse. Specification Type:
Energy Discharge
I figure that with both of them banked together, that would be a maximum charge of 12,000J. What do de-fibrillators normally use, 200J? Well then, I guess my caps could 'jump start' 60 people at once! Don't everyone line up now! No PCB's in these caps! Only Castor Oil. I have done many projects with
these capacitors, all have been with only one, except for the railgun in
which I have unsuccessfully tried two caps. Another experiment I have done
is exploding wire. Many more untried experiments are coming due, I hope
to do many before the end of the year. The below few things are all capacitor experiments.
Ring Launcher
Check out my ring launcher page by clicking on the picture below. I have used the Maxwell capacitor in my higher - power ring launchers, but I only need to charge that beast to about 50% to get excellent results. Oops!
Electromagnetic Can Smasher Similar to the ring launcher, my can smasher is a magnetic device used to crush aluminum soda cans.
Go to my Railgun
Coilgun I have been working on building my first coilgun which will shoot small nails. No webpage for it yet, but as soon as it is completed, I will put up a webpage about it.
Exploding Wire I have done a few experiments with exploding wire. Click HERE to see my exploding wire webpage.
Jacob's Ladder I have built various ladders, some powered by NST's and the largest one powered with a heavy duty Potential Transformer. No page yet, but one will be up soon! And now I have used my pole pig! Hopefully I will get some pictures soon.
Various Experiments What happens when you zap a CD with a few hundreds watts of 2.4GHz EM radiation? This: ![]()
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