If you want to send a fan art or fan fic here is the guideline for you.But if you want to make a fan art for my website than that will be great altough write your name on it.I share my fan art soon.
Fan Art GuideLine
1. Make sure that you tell me if its black and white or colorful.
2. Please put your name on your artwork so nobody will take it!
3. No hentai fan art please we are hentai free in this site.
Fan Fiction Guidelines
1. Before submitting your chapter to me please tell me the title: Main Charector, Rating,Summery,Author.
2. Less bad words on your fic well there is going to be different section for the rating.
3. Try to make the grammer well,and neat so everyone knows what your saying.
4.Used spell checker before sending it to me.I don't mind correcting your spelling but don't do it a lot of time it is your work so i recommend ya to do it.
5. Give me 2-4 weeks to verified so i will let you go writting it.
6. Updated it every once a week if you don't than i do deleate it.
We're done now send it to me!