Luna Digimon Heaven Relem


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Very soon i will have a episodes of my own with neo on it.The bio are here the episodes are going to be up soon.
Age: 11
Grade: 5
Crest: Believed
Baby: Clippermon
In-training: teddymon
Rookie: Bearmon
Champion: Grizzlymon
Ultemate: Polormon
Mega: Pandamon
Personality: Cool
Info: Anthony is the leader of the digi destined.He is courageable and believedable.He tends to help the others with their problems.
Age: 11
Grade: 5
Crest: Adventure
Hair color Black
Eyes: Black
Baby: Peckermon
In-training: Meepmon
Rookie: Robinmon
Champion: Dovemon
Ultemate: Crowmon
Mega: Flyermon
Personality: Brave and Annoying
Info: Jessie is another cool digi destined.He likes to be the boss,of the team dispite his annoyance.Almost like Davis
Name: Joey
nickname: rocketboy
Age: 10
Grade: 4
Crest: Peace
Baby: jumpermon
In-training: hoppermon
Rookie: Rabbitmon
Champion: Floppymon
Ultemate: SnowRabbitmon
Mega: Choppermon
Personality: Know it all boy
Info: Joey is the know it all boy.He spends his times in books,and computer work.He always knows what it is going altough if he is thinking the right way.
Age: 10
Grade: 4
Crest: Forgiveness
Baby: Heatballmon
In-training: Flamemon
Rookie Charmendermon
Champion: Dragonmon
Ultemate: MetalDragonmon
Mega: Charizardmon
Personality: Think of Mimi personality
Info: Lesley,is all about fashion,she likes to runt about things and how everyone is dress and all.She can be mad when you do something wrong but she can be also forgiving.
Name: Chris
Age: 8
Grade: 2
Crest: Holy
Baby: Tippermon
In-training: Hoovemon
Rookie: Zebramon
Champion: Gallientmon
Ultemate: MetalGallientmon
Mega: FlameGallientmon
Personality: Sweet and Gentle
Name: Juan
Age: 11
Grade: 5
Crest: Forever
Baby: Crackermon
In-training: Kitmon
Rookie: Lynxmon
Champion: Cheetahmon
Ultemate: Speedymon
Mega: Nanamon
Personality: Shy
Info: Juan is a transfer student his family move to Japan.He is a very shy digi destined.He isn't really good at making friends but he is shy.
Oh yes did i mention that Luna (Susie) is going to be in the story too,and her digimon will be Tigermon.Hope you all stay tune for the episodes.Here is the story.
The Story:
It is way after the tamers and the fronteir journey.Now we are in Japan a small village calls Kimina.They are also fans of digimon there are 8 digi destined who are card players of digimon.They play cards and all.They do this for fun but they think that digimon is unreal,and they don't exsit not until they take their journy into the digi-world to meet danger in the eye.The new threat is a half human and digimon that wants to take over the digi-world.

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