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Luna Digimon Heaven Relem

Where Digi Destined Dreamers are born!

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Hi wellcome to the only website,where you can reach to the galaxy,and to the moon! That is Luna Digi heaven site! We had revamp the color changed it to a new color part.There is now qoutes of the week,and a picture that goes along with it.So this site is for everyone! You can send in fan arts,write in the message board anything that you want to do.This is your dream you to believed in your dream or it might fade away.This is the most awsome digimon site ever! We got things that are never been seen before.So you got to join in the fun and excitment of Luna digi relem! The only place where you can be in.

<The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com

Luna feeling well look above you

The song your listening to "Fire" Season 4 Digimon Fronteir opening theme song.


"I don't care if you are data,dna,your my friend." -Takato

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