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Davis Motomiya

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You already know about Davis,so i am going to make his bio different.
Davis Motomiya:
Davis is well your averge kind of guy,yet we think he is annoying.He got the goggles from Tai which he idolized.In other words Davis is really a good guy he shows courage and friendship to the rest of the team despite his stupidness! Davis doesn't give up without a fight he fights for what he belieives in.He is in the same soccer team with Tai.Has a big crush on his sister which he couldn't get over with.Altough he did show big guts at the end of the epiosde fighting against Malyomyostimon.
Davis Family:
Davis has 1 oldear sister name June Motomiya to me she annoying brat! The girl who is in love with Matt so obesse with him.I felt sorry for Matt in the episodes where i seen June stalked him.Altough she is already having eyes on Joe oldear brother Jim.
Davis Friends:
Well,i say he is a pretty friendship boy,and well he pulled Ken out of darkness and tried to get him to join his the team.Even encouraging the others to let him be on the team even though they don't think its a good idea.
Davis Digimon: Veemon!
Veemon is Davis partner,yet he almost acts liked Davis for most part.He has a crush on Gatomon.Davis tried to pulls some silly stunts to get Veemon to digivolved to his champion form.Altough when tortomon attack he did digivolved.Exveemon dna digivolved with Stingmon to Paildramon that is one fighting michine! But hasn't anyone notice that Exveemon and Stingmon when they dna digivolved its liked Virtual almost as if you were playing a vidoe games not the rest!
Davis Voice Actor:
Davis Voice actor is Brian Donovan i don't have any info about him where he grow up and stuff.Altough he was given lots of credit he is the narrator for season 3.There was this one movie that i saw that feature a dog it was called Pling.The voice of the dog sounds liked Davis! When i looked at the credits it had his name there!

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