Luna Digimon Heaven Relem


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Your Webdigimistress

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Here info about me your webmistress me Luna.
Name: Susanna
Nickname: Susie
Age: 17
Grade: 10th
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Black
Wears: Glasses
Sibling: 4 brothers 1 oldear 2 oldear 1 a twin of mine and 1 brother that is younger than me.
Favorite Tv Show: All in the family,I love Lucy,Full House
Birth date: 2/18/85
Horoscope sign: Aqurious
Statues: Single
Favorite Food: Pizza,anything
Favorite Subject in school: English
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Movie: Any kind
Favorite Amine: Digimon,Card Captor,Pokemon,Sailor Moon
Favorite Color: Purple and Red
Hobbies: I love to go on the internet to surf the webpages,and make new friends online or at my hometown.
Favorite Digi Destined Boy: Tai,Davis,Ken,Izzy,Matt
Favorite Girl: Kari,Sora and Mimi!
Info: I am  a very talented girl,i love to RPG in clubs,i write stories mystery ones.But i write them on the computer i don't really share it on the net.I love to bother my brother about taking me to the mall or bookstore to buy magazines or cds!
Music I listen to: Backstreet Boys,Blink 182,Limp bizkit,Red Hot Chilli Pepper,Goo Goo Dolls.
That is it to know me hope you we can chat sometime!

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