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Susie My digi Destined Charector

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Name: Susie
Age: 13
Grade: 7
Nickname: Slick
Digi egg: Faith
Symbol on her digi egg: Angel giving in a prayer
Baby: Furmon
In-training: Kittymon
Rookie: Tigermon
Digi Amor champion: Fairymon
Champion: Clawmon
Ultemate: Whiskmon
Dna Ultemate: Nightscreamermon
DNA Mega: WarriorNightscreamermon
Supreme DNA: NingaNightscreamermon
Mega: Sabormon
Personality: All the digi destined personality
Sibling: Matt Ishida cousin she has 2 brothers.
Info: Susie is the sweetest kindess girl around.She loves to help out other people when she can.Altough she has a trouble relationship with her cousin Matt.She thinks that he doesn't care about her but he does.She can make your day with a smile she loves to make people smile she doesn't want people to be looking sad at all the time.Just looked on your shoulder you will find her conferting you with your troubles.

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