Luna Digimon Heaven Relem


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About my Tamer charector Luna

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This is my info about my tamer charector you can find in Takato digi port x verison 2002
Name: Luna i don't know what Kenta last name
Age: 8
Grade: 2
D-power color: Sparkle Purple
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: black
Digimon: Lucemon
Champion: Pipmon
Ultemate: Emotionmon
Mega: Elminationmon
Personality: Sweet
Sibling: Kenta older brother
Info: Luna is a very sweet tamer.She is shy also she doesn't really talk a lot to people.She only talks to her brother that is the only person she gets along with.Lucemon and her are great teams they work together as good friends.So Luna is a very loyal tamer.

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