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Episode Cuts Info!

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Here is the info,on the cut episodes that they did not want you to see! In fox kids they tooked it out from the Japan verison of digimon.We even have some pics for you 2 see.
Episode 8: Evil show his face
The bathtub scene Matt and Tai expose their naked side you know what i mean.When they went to take off Joe towel.Take look at the pic down here
Episode 31-Whatever it was called.
When they needed a ride.Matt was asking for ride in otherword hitchhiking instead a oldear woman drives by asking Matt to go with her.Matt blushes than Sora and Mimi used their girl power to get a stranger not Sora cousin.To see Matt and the woman look at the pic down here


Okay in the theme song of "Digimon Zero 2" Now in the second part when Ken is now good.When they have all the digi destined standing right next to Kari is Ken but they cut that shot of him there!
World tour Mexico part where Ken and Matt were when they were trying to passed the gurds instead he showed his gun to them.