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New song this is Jeri theme song "Only goodbye knew" this song of course came from Megchan,and the lyrics you see here are translated from Japan to english.

The wind blows, the rain falls, on every day I think of you
I can't believe I think of you more now than when we were together
Gazing at the stars, singing a song, are such fun things
Really so difficult that I can't do them alone?

I can't see it, but I believe
In what lies beyond the deep, deep sadness...

I miss you, but I can't see you
But it's sad to think that's the end
After all, we finally met
The tenderness I recieved from you
Is still right here in my heart
I'll give it to someone
That precious thing which goodbye brought

Flowers bloom, rainbows appear, the small changes in each day
If I could go on noticing them, surely my smile would return

Even though I can't hear it, it resounds
Your voice, as it yells from far, far away...

I miss you, but I can't see you
I want to remember the loneliness I embraced
And how to look straightforwardly
The courage I learned from you
Is still right here in my heart
I'll live more strongly
That precious thing which goodbye brought

That wonderful thing which only goodbye knew

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