Squint occurring suddenly in adults may be due to nerve or brain disease and
may require CTScan or MRI. It can commonly occur with Diabetes or Hypertension.
Squint occurring in children should
be shown to an eye doctor as early as possible. This is because vision
development can occur only in childhood. Once a lazy eye develops, it is very
difficult to set it right, after some time has elapsed. Even though, surgery may
be done to reposition the eyes, the visual ability cannot be regained.
Squint associated with refractive
errors can be corrected with Spectacles. Some types can
be treated with the use of Prisms in glasses.
Convergence Excess and Convergence
Insufficiency: There are tests to measure the convergence, while
focusing on near objects. So either its Excess or Insufficiency can be
detected. Eye exercises can help to overcome them. Some times,
Surgery to tackle the inappropriately acting eye muscle is required.
This involves surgically loosening or tightening the muscles so that
alignment is achieved. Since the muscles are outside the eyeball, squint surgery
does not lead to decreased vision, unless complications occur.
The surgery requires general anaesthesia in children and local anaesthesia in
Botulin Toxin Injection (BOTOX) is
one of the new ways of squint treatment and is used in certain types of
squint with
good success.