The Locker Room Informer

4-8-05: Sexy Syrin

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary is sitting at desk looking over the results of the card*
*Hears Sexy Syrin knock on the door*

Gary: Come in and have a seat Sexy Syrin
Sexy Syrin: Lets just get this done I am not in the
mood to talk right now *Syrin sits down in the chair*
Gary: Well I see the night wasnt one you really care
to remember but you gave your all..
Sexy Syrin: *Syrin glares daggers at Gary* The night
was a disappointment but I am a lady I will not let
nights like this keep me down..

Gary: First off I hope you are doing well.
Sexy Syrin: First of all stop staring at my chest
you pervert and second I am doing very well as of
Gary: Now In your Wall Mounting Match I see you had
a Good match except for Diamond Diva  Running in on
you your thoughts ?

Sexy Syrin: That tr@mp means nothing to me and her
little show of jumping in my match just goes to show
she is threatened by me or she wouldn't be so
concerned with jumping in on my matches.That is all I
am gonna say about that lets move on!!

Gary: Now when you and Ravyn fought against  Glitz
and Diva I seen you Tried you best but fell short
your thoughts?
Sexy Syrin: Let me tell you something mister I don't
get in the ring but I judge people,I did not fall
short of anything and if you ever say that to me again
you will see a side of me you don't wanna see lets
move on!

Gary: Now what about Ravyn attacking you after the
Match whats your Plans on  getting even with her?
Sexy Syrin: My plans on getting that b!tch Ravyn
back for her attack on me is my buisness! and as for
the attack itself she is the one who got pinned and
she will get back what she gave..
Gary: I see this week you Fight Jade and Diamond
Diva in a Hell in a Cell Match your Plans on getting
even with them ??
Sexy Syrin: *laffin* I am not worried about those 2
jealous b!tches and I am not worried about that match
I have plans that is all you need to know on that question..

Gary: I see your Partner Lance Knight has to Fight
your Boyfriend Wolfie Winner gets shot at TV champ
next week this has to be a hard match for you
wanting both to win..
Sexy Syrin: That is going to be hard but I don't
plan on interfering in that match,Lance is a very good
friend and my partner so of course I want him to win
but Wolfie is my boyfriend and I love him so I also
want him to win but in the end no matter who wins I am
still going to be Lances partner till the end and
Wolfies girlfriend..

Gary: So what Wrestlers do you Respect and Like most
in AWL ??
Sexy Syrin: I respect Wolfie very much he deserves
all the great things that the AWL has to offer he wins
matches and he knows how to take the bad with the
good. I also respect and like Lance Knight he is a
tough competier and a strong force in the AWL he
doesnt back down from matches he goes for them head
on,and as for the women I respect Diamond Diva even
though I cant stand her as a person but I respect her
as a wrestler she is tough and she goes after what she
wants without fear.
Gary: Who is your Biggest Rivals here in AWL
Sexy Syrin: Well it seems I have alot of those right
now *laffs* The women just dislike me very much but I
would say 2 of my biggest rivals are Jade and Glitz..

Gary: in the Pros who do you Like Most??
Sexy Syrin: The Undertaker of course because he is
just so darn fine,Ray Mysterio,as for the women I would
say Lita and Tori..
Gary: I thank you for your time and Wish you the
best of Luck this week.
Sexy Syrin: Thanks for having me *Syrin walks over
to Gary and gives him a kiss* there is something to
make you remember this interveiw*W* Have a nice day
darlin..*Syrin walks out*
Gary : Thanks I will Defenitely Rember this Interview.

now my Picks for this week
Cpl. Punishment vs. Jade
Cpl has been on a fall lately I am guessing jade to win
 Table Match
Diamond Diva vs. Coun, The Iron Dragon
Gotta go with Coun the hardcore Icon
Glitz  vs. Ravyn
I will say Glitz to Win
Colin Steele vs. Demon
I dont thing the Dawg is Big enough
to slay a Demon
Eyce vs. Emerald Blaze
Emerald Blaze to melt the Eyce
Match TBD
Atom Bomb vs. Jackson Payne
Atom bomb No matter what match
Hell in a Cell
Sexy Syrin  vs. Jade  vs. Diamond Diva
My Pick will be Sexy Syrin
cuz she is focused on both diva and jade only
focus on one so Sexy Syrin to Win
Untouchable vs. Wussy Boy
Untouchable to win
Milan  vs. Fyre
Fyre may burn Milan
The Missing Link  vs. Kong, The Beast Unleashed
Kong to win
Wolfie  vs. Canadian Nightmare
Wolfie has Promised he will
show a true Nightmare
I am Picking Wolfie to see
 World Tag Titles Match
The New Gods vs. Death Guard
I think Death Guard will Pull it off
Qualifier 2 for Anarchy Tag Titles
CPA vs. Shocking Steel Diamonds
Will CPA win and have it be a all faction
Battle for these titles I pick CPA
Cuz that would be good to see and good ratings
Untouchable vs. Charles Cross
Charles cross is my pick
Cruizerweight Title Rematch
Ravyn vs. SureShock
Ravyn will Win the title back
Demon  vs. Canadian Nightmare
Demon to win
NSR (Cpl. & Rage) vs. Mass Destruction
Cpl and Rage I think will win
Glitzing Punishment  vs. Burning Frost
Glitzing Punishment cuz experience factor
The Missing Link vs. Terry Storm
Terry storm is my Pick
The Judge vs. Colin Steele
I the the dawg will chew the law up
Sir Psycho Sexy vs. Kendall
SPS is my Pick
Wussy Boy vs. Milan
Milan will Win I am thinking
Winner faces Television Champ next Week
House of Pain
Wolfie vs. Lance Knight
Two very tough hungry competitors
Both have Respect for eachother
Both have connections to Sexy Syrin
Wolfie her Boyfriend,Lance her Friend and Partner
Both well deserving of title shot
I think Lance Knight may win
Main Event
Television Title Gauntlet Match
Aries vs. Kodiak
Aries is my Pick Kodiak will go down

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AWL/NcW is a division of
Blackwalker Productions
