The Locker Room Informer

6-13-05: Glitz

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary is sitting in his Office Looking over Results and Card*
*hears a Knock at door yeah Come in Glitz*

Gary: Have a seat.

Glitz: Thank you Gary...It's good to be back in the hot seat again...

Gary: First off congrats on your Success on making a very
Powerful Stable The Imperial Court.

Glitz: Well I can't take all the credit Gary...
I have had alot of help
Jade, Punisher, and Wolfie...

Gary: Congrats also on being #1 contender for Cruizerweight gold,
when you gonna go for it ??

Glitz: I plan to have the gold around my waist in no time...

Gary: I gotta ask your take once again on those three people walking
using your Courts Gimmick
,What Plans do you have for them once they are
caught ?

Glitz: Well Gary...As of yet, we aren't really sure what to do with
them...But I am sure thier punishment will be severe...
As...No one causes
contempt in our Court...

Gary: Now onto Last week.

Gary: I see Team Extreme Punishment Won your court back the Anarchy
I see Wolfie Brought in the TV title after trying 5 times.
I see Wolfie defeated Diamond Diva to settle their score 3-2 in Wolfies favor.
I see Punisher did Touch Untouchable Winning $10,000 Untouchable put on line.
I see Charles Proved he wants to stay in with ya's
I see you Defeated Eyce in
a good fought match. your thoughts on all that ??

Glitz: Well...We all work for what we achieve...Our success has
not come easily...Although I hope it continues, we are not about
gold..We are out to be the best...And I think we are proving that...

Gary: But wasnt all good for your Wrestlers.
Punisher Lost his Wyldside Title on his second time defending it.
Jade Lost her Womans Title her second time defending it.
they both seemed to have beat
champs defeated the former champs in rematches but lost to new
your thoughts on them ?

Glitz: Gary...Like I said before...We are not about gold around our
waists...We know we are the best...And metal doesn't prove anything...

Gary: Now this week.
I see Team Extreme Jade and Wolfie got Burning Frost
KC Tanks has Sexy Syrin.
Punisher Has Lance Knight.
Punisher Asked for his Rematch for Wyldside title against SPS.
Wolfie has to give Lance a Rematch for TV title.
Charles Cross has Mayhem in a House of pain.
KC Tanks has Cpl Punishment.
Your thoughts on them matches and your team mates.

Glitz: I have full confidence in my team mates...I am sure they will do
needs to be done...

Gary: Then I see you and Punisher soon are gonna show Micro Powers
you aint afraid of Nothing. your thoughts of when ?

Glitz: Oh my goodness Gary are you serious? Why should we be afraid of
I could snap them both with my chessboard...Peons is what they
are...Sacrificial virgins...

Gary: and Gotta ask this seems You and sureShock seem to have been
steamy behind the scenes lately..Whats going on there ??

Glitz: *laughs* Well now, they are behind the scenes for a reason...

Gary: I also see Jade and The Punisher and Wolfie have been working
well,Mainly Jade and Punisher she tells Him who to destroy for you and
it is done.
Your thoughts about that ?

Glitz: We are team...We all work well together...Everyone plays their
parts...And they are all done with strategy...It's all a part of the
wonderful game of chess...The AWL is a big pawn...And we are the
players controlling the board...

Gary: Well I thank you for your Time and wish you and the Court Luck.

Glitz: My pleasure being here again...As for the's not about's about skill...And *Glitz turns to camera* WE HAVE IT...

Gary: This has been another edition of Locker Room Informer.
My Picks this Week
K.C. Tanks vs. Sexy Syrin
I Shall Pick KC Tanks
Genesis vs. Kodiak
Kodiak is my Pick
Jade vs. Valkyrie
Jade is One I will go with
NSR (Cpl. & Rage) vs. The New Gods
Wussy Boy vs. Wyked Puppet
Wyked Puppet
Tama Nui vs. Graymayne
Tama Numi
Milan vs. Eyce
The Judge vs. Colin Steele
Colin Steele
The Punisher vs. Lance Knight
Gauntlet Qualifier
Kong, The Beast Unleashed vs. Phantom Stranger
Cpl. Punishment vs. K.C. Tanks
Cpl Punishment
Steele Diamonds vs. Atom Bomb & Sexy Syrin
Steele Diamonds
The Purifier vs. Phantom Stranger vs. Fallen Angel
Phantom Stranger
Television Title Match
Wolfie vs. Lance Knight
Micro Powers vs. The Amazons
House of Pain
Mayhem vs. Charles Cross
Charles Cross
SPS vs. Wyked Puppet
C Dawg vs. Atom Bomb
C Dawg
Best 2 out of 3
1: Dog Collar match 2: Flaming Tables Match 3: Flaming Hell in a Cell
Untouchable vs. Tama Nui
Tama Nui
Diamond Diva vs. Emerald Blaze
Diamond Diva
Team Extreme vs. Burning Frost
Team Extreme
Canadian Nightmare vs. Scythe
Canadian Nightmare
Main Event
Wyldside Title ReMatch
SPS vs. The Punisher
The Punisher gets Revenge

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AWL/NcW is a division of
Blackwalker Productions
