The Locker Room Informer

4-30-05: Untouchable

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary is sitting at his desk looking over PPV Results and Lighting card*


*Dials to CPA Locker Room Hello Wolfie this is Gary

I Know I was gonna have Team Extreme Punishment as Guests

this week but I wIll have you 3 next week instead ok*


*Wolfie: Ok Gary I will pass on the message and see you then*


*Gary hangs up the Phone and hears Untouchable Knock*


Gary: Untouchable Come in and have a seat.


Untouchable: Thanks, nice to meet you! 


Gary: Well First off welcome to the AWL.


Untouchable:Thanks again and I hope I can do well in this business.  



Gary: I see you defeated Punisher in a Hard Fought match,

Your thoughts on it ??


Untouchable:   Well I told everyone that punisher would just be another win for untouchable

and another name to put on my shirt and yes it was a hard fought match

and I learn a lot in that match and I hope I can take what I learned in that match to

all the matches I have in this business.



Gary: Well I am Sure he Will Get you back cuz,

I have heard he aint Kind to Lose a match and Crawl Under a Rock.


Untouchable:  Well if he wants another match I just beat him one more time. 



Gary: If I recall right you said CPA was the Best athletes in the AWL,

Well Now you are 1-1 vs them..

and I see CPA stood Stong and Put down NSRS and,

Dungen of Simms seems to be falling apart.thoughts ??


Untouchable:   When I said that I was new to the business and

didn’t know how much of @ss clowns they was and for my record against them,

it will go up when ever one of them challenge me if they have the guts. 

And No dungen of Simms is not falling apart it’s just a little disagreement.



Gary: Also CPA's showed how strong when three of their Members

Jade,Wolfie,The Punisher Won the First Ever Anarchy Titles

Over Dungeon members Diva,Colin,SureShock your thoughts ??


Untouchable:  My thoughts are that they got lucky

and if they put those titles on the line once again,

DoS will kick their @ss. 



Gary: Also I see SureShock lost his Cruizerweight title

your thoughts there ?? and you Still think Dungeon is Best ??


Untouchable:  Of course I think dungeon is the best,

what type of a question is that. And for SureShock well

I don’t know what happen, he just ….

He just didn’t wrestle to his best on the night but I know he can do better next time. 



Gary: Now on to this week You face a guy hardly anybody

cares about Missing Link do you think you will Advance

in Prince of Pain ??


Untouchable:  I have told everyone that I can’t wait to win this competition and

win the world heavyweight championship and

I think that the missing link will just be a warm up match for the other couple of matches I have in this competition. 


Gary: Ok Now that your new here Who do you respect most so far ??


Untouchable:  Well I respect everyone that I have given me the chance

to show how good I am but the guy that I respect the most has got to be

billy simms he has given me a place in his stable and

I can’t wait to pay him back with some gold.



Gary: Who are your biggest Rivals so far ??


Untouchable:  Well would have to say CPA because they was not quick enough to sign me to their stable

and I think they are kicking themselves that they

didn’t sign the best up and coming wrestler in this business. 



Gary: So Who is your Fav wrestlers in the Pro Ranks ??


Untouchable:  Well I would have to say AJ styles and jeff hardy

because I look up to them because they do some out of this world moves



Gary: Well i wish you Luck this week and thank you for your time.


Untouchable: Thanks for having me.


Gary: Thats all for this Week Tune in Next Week when I have the

Anarchy Champs here.


Now My Picks


Live from Birmingham AL!!
May 11th, 2005

PoP Qualifier
Scythe vs. Emerald Blaze
My pick Emerald Blaze. 
  Fyre vs. Cpl. Punishment
My pick Fyre
Milan vs. Diamond Doll
My pick Diamond Doll
Holocaust Hellfire
Sexy Syrin vs. Jade
My pick Jade
Eyce vs. Fallen Angel
Eyce Shall Freeze the Angel Wings
Hell in a Cell
No Interference
The Punisher vs. Diamond Diva
My pick Punisher this round
Hardcore Match
Team Extreme vs. Canadian Nightmare & The Missing Link
Team Extreme they got experiance,gold,talent
and they are destroyers and the brains match.
Tag Tourney Round 1
Team Extreme vs. New Gods
My pick Team Extreme based on facts i heard Gods were taking time off
and Team extreme is Due for a Big one
Rage Hammer & Cpl. Punishment vs. Mass Destruction
My pick Rage and Cpl
Glitzing Punishment vs. Burning Frost
Glitzing Punishment they are gonna start out on a roll again
Hellraisers vs. Steele & Storm
My pick Hellraisers Dungeon aint right
Buried Alive Match
The Punisher vs. Lance Knight
I think Lance Knight will go night night
Battle Royal to Pick Daniel Carlson's PoP opponent
SureShock, Wussy Boy, Terry Storm, Sexy Syrin,
Asmodeus, Eyce, Milan, Jade, Charles Cross, 
 Cpl. Punishment, Sir Psycho Sexy, Atom Bomb
My pick Eyce to Freeze everyone
PoP Qualifier
The Punisher vs. Colin Steele
My pick Punisher
Wussy Boy vs. Diamond Doll
My pick Diamond Doll
Wall Mounting Match
No Interference
Wolfie vs. Sexy Syrin
My pick Wolfie to Destroy Syrin
Television Title Match
Kodiak vs. Lance Knight
My pick Kodiak
PoP Qualifier
House of Pain
Diamond Diva vs. Ravyn
My pick Ravyn or Diva Both are Tuff
Jade vs. Trinity
My pick Jade
PoP Qualifier
Wolfie vs. Genesis
My pick Wolfie
No interference
Ravyn vs. Fallen Angel
My pick Ravyn
Glitz vs. Eden August
My pick it will be a great match for the fans 2 great competitors
Daniel Carlson vs. Mystery
My pick Daniel Carlson
Asmodeus vs. Aries vs. Demon
My pick Aries
Colin Steele vs. Kong
My pick Colin Steele
Eyce vs. Valkyrie
My pick Valkyrie
Handcuff  Match
Jade vs. Emerald Blaze
My pick it will be a good one two greats jade to edge it out
Kong vs. The Judge
My pick Kong
House of Pain
Diamond Diva vs. Scythe 
My pick Diamond Diva I have seen her make many men Tap
Fyre vs. Sir Psycho Sexy
Fyre is do for a win
Soultaker's Branding Match
Atom Bomb vs. Sexy Syrin
Main Event
North American Title Battle Royal
All Qualifiers plus top 15 Non Qualifiers in the
Television Title Rankings (Except Television Champion)
My pick you all ready
it will be
the last one Standing 

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