The Locker Room Informer

3-04-05: The Missing Link

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary is sitting at his desk hears Link Knock*
Gary: Welcome to Lockeroom Informer Come in have a
Gary: First off How do you feel about Lighting
Lastweek ?
Link: *appears very casual and laid back* It was'nt
my favorite night gary. *head-butts air* I took care
of Entropy, and Judge, but I lost a brutal tag
match...and a partner in the process. *sips drink*

Gary: Well I guess that is all
Part of the Business Win and Lose
Aint always Perfect
Gary: Well Now onto This Week, You face your
greatest nemis Wolfie in a
Hardcore Match.
He is two and zero vs you,sounds Like he has your
Any plans you got to make it diffrent outcome this
time ?
Link: Grrrrrr......let me set the record straight
Gary. Wolfie has beaten me once...ONE time. The other
match was a 3-way dance and if you go back and look at
the records...NOBODY BEAT ME! I kinda just vanished in
that match *chuckles*. What people forget is that the
night I lost to Wolfie, I won the World Championship!
Thats the memory I take with me. I expect a riot when
Wolfie and I meet. There will be alot of focus on that
match. I DESPISE Wolfie...but I acknowledge that he
has been hot of late.

Gary: I wish you Lots Luck in that match I am sure
the blood will flow.

Link: I Like Blood Gary. It tastes good. Have you
tasted blood gary?  *moves neck side to side*

Gary: Yes I Have Tasted Bloodin my Days
in the Ring.
Gary: Speaking of more Bad Blood .
Diamond Diva and Wolfie vs you and Emerald Blaze..
I Know how you feel about Wolfie but now Diamond
Diva his Partner again.
your thoughts on that Match ?
Link: I don't care. I almost want the match canceled
Gary. There's too much going on....I don't know whats
going to happen before then. If the match goes on as
planned....Eme and I will prevail. That is.....if I
can locate Miss Blaze. My focus is Wolfie.


Gary: And what do you think of Diva saying she
realized she made wrong
cuz Wolfie took her to Victory she was Undefeated
then she went to you
and You Gave her Nothing but Losses,
and Allowed her to be attacked by Glitz,Colin and
Link: *stretches* Dimamond Diva can say whatever she
wants Gary. She's a big girl. Her goal is the same
as...well... all of ours. To be a Champion. If she
feels she's better off with somebody be it.
I made the choice last week to pick Emerald...and I
have to live with that choice for better or worse.
If Diva wants to run her mouth and get in my way, I
will handle her. Outside the ring....I have no Ill
will towards her. *sips drink*

Gary: And May I ask why you Blame her for Losing
your Title ?
How can she be Responsible for that ?
I have heard she is Raging Mad at that news.
and Wolfie aint Happy either about you always saying
your so Great yet you
havent defeated him.

Link: *smirks* Gary.....firs of all...What we say in
the heat of battle, and what we say with you in a controlled
atmosphere is different. The Missing Link won the
Championship on his OWN...and he lost it while Diva
was with him. I lost, but I felt she was a
distraction. I expected Diva to have my back. I was
My Only comment about Wolfie is that I had something
he wanted *The Belt*, and he will do and say anything
to get to that point.

Gary: Now one question for Next week your thoughts
on your Title Match next
week ?
Link: Good question Gary. I will be prepared. What
people don't understand is that I am a very difficult
wrestler to prepare for. I'm not technical. I
surprised C Dawg the first time. He adjusted the
second meeting. I will now adjust and get back what
belongs to me. What worries me is that C-Dawg has been
tooooooo silent.

Gary: Then you say your Gonna Destroy both the HKF
and CPA I heard..
Do you think that is Possible ?
also I heard you say every member was going down,
Does that must mean Eden August is on the hit list ?
I am sure she Will be furious as will all the CPA
for that.
Link: Gary...*talking with his hands* when I came to
the AWL...I took time to watch and see what was going
on here. It did'nt take long to see where the evil
was. I spell evil CPA/HKF. It's my's what
drives me. I think having the CPA/HKF around here only
pollutes the enviornment here.
Eden August......whew......tough question Gary. I have
always felt that she is being forced to be part of the
stable. *stands and walks in a circle* I may be wrong,
but thats how I feel. I see fear in her eyes. And
no....the Link will not harm her. I will be here for
her if she ever tries to escape. *sits back down*

Gary: one more question
Who is your Idols in AWL ?
Who do you hate in AWL ?
Who is your Fav pro Wrestler Past and Present ?
Link: Right on Gary....great questions brutha.
I don't believe in Idols. I have respect for some
wrestlers here though. You can't help respecting Coun
the Iron Dragon. The guy is legendary. his record
speaks for itself. I have never met Demon....but I
respect that guy's gig. And this may come as a
surprise......but I dig Entropy's style. I hafta beat
his head in, but he's good at what he does. On the
ladie's side I repect Eden August and my old dear
friend Sexy Syrin.
Who do I hate....hmmmmmmmm. *thinks* *laughs* I hate
whoever is staring across from me in the ring at the
time. *head-butts air* Who do you think Gary?
My fav pro wrestlers past and present....well.....I
was a HUGE Sting fan growing up. Then it was all
Goldberg. If you go wayyyyyy back...I liked Abdullah
The butcher. *laughs* Currently....I like John Cena.
All the chicks are hot.

Gary: Well I wish you Luck this Week I have heard
Diamond Diva and Wolfie
want to make a Name and statement to all teams in
they said you and Emerald would be a Example we will
see Who wins.

Link: *rolls eyes* Gary....IF Emerald shows up...we
will take care of business. If we lose...I'm coming
back here to shake the change outta your pockets Gary.
Gary: Thank you for your time and once again good
Link: Thank You G. may I call you G? **smirks*
*stands up and walks towards camera pulling shirt over
head that say's "It ain't easy being GREEN!"

Gary: yes you May call me  G.

Gary: This Has been Lockeroom Informer,Tune in Next
Now My Picks..
Aries vs. Deathmaster
Tho he has been Quiet I will say Aries 

Jackson Payne vs. C Dogg
C-Dawg or N-Dogg if C-Dawg him
if it N-Dogg Jackson Payne

 Draven Night vs. Blaze
The Mysterious Draven Night
Glitz vs. Kong
Glitz she has been on Fire

Milan vs. Sexy Syrin
 Sexy Syrin cuz Milan aint been showing up

SureShock vs. Charles Cross
Charles Cross

Glitz vs. Trinity
Goes out on a Limb will be a Battle Glitz 

Hardcore Match
 The Punisher vs. The Judge
Lately Judge has been all Talk No action Punisher to Win
The Missing Link vs. Lance Knight
The Missing Link on a wild guess
Ravyn vs. Diamond Diva
This will be fun to watch
Diamond Diva will rebound from last week
Aries vs. Artic Orca
Wyldside Rules
Best 2 out of 3 Match
Coun, The Iron Dragon vs. Wolfie
Hardcore Icon vs Up and Coming Hardcore Icon 
Blood will be shed I will go with Wolfie 
He handled Coun Lastweek 

Valkyrie vs. Diamond Diva
Diamond Diva to rebound over quiet Valkyrie
Wussy Boy vs. Entropy
Entropy easily
Lance Knight  vs. Atom Bomb vs. Bigg Shane
Atom Bomb the North American Champ to win
 Elimination Match
 Amazons vs. Glitzing Punishment
Glitzing Punishment to win a 3rd in a row 

Hardcore Match
 The Missing Link vs. Wolfie
Wolfie aint Lost yet to him
Wyldside Rules
Best 2 out of 3 Match
The Punisher vs. Coun, The Iron Dragon
the Hard core Icon Coun I think
Wolfie vs. Terry Storm
Wolfie will take the quiet Storm down
Death Guard vs. Mystery & The Judge
Death Guard they are Scary
Artic Orca vs. Asmodeus
Asmodeus easily
Wussy Boy vs. Kong
Kong will destroy Wussy boy
Wolfie & Diamond Diva vs. Emerald Blaze & The Missing Link
Link is questioning Blazes where Emerald Blaze is
Link hates Wolfie,Link Dumped Diva.,Wolfie and Diva
Hate Link
Edge goes to Wolfie and Diamond Diva 
Main Event
Television Title Match
Coun, The Iron Dragon vs. Eden August
Eden August proved she was tough Lasting till end of Battle Royal
Eden August to Win

Back to Main

AWL/NcW is a division of
Blackwalker Productions
