The Locker Room Informer

3-17-05: Glitz

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary Is sitting at his desk Looking over the Card from the other night*
*hears Glitz Knock on door*
Gary: Good Afternoon Glitz Come in and Have a seat, pleasure to have you here.
Glitz: *Glitz saunters in and has a seat* Thanks for having me Gary, pleasure being here.
 Gary: Glitz So how are you feeling after the card?
Glitz: I feel good..It wasn't all what I expected, but I'll just work harder next time.
Gary: How do you feel about the outcome of your match vs Diamond Diva?
I seen you gave it your all.
Your only singles loss to date thats a huge accomplishment.
Glitz: The only bad thing about that Gary,
I lost to Diva...My one true rival...
I could have handled it from anyone else but her...
I commend her for winning...It was a good match...
Gary: Well it is Nice to see you are a Good Sport about it.
Gary: Now How do you feel about the win over Valkyrie ?
Glitz: I feel really good...I wanted that win...
She is a powerhouse..
For someone my size to beat her, wonderful!
Gary: It was a hard fought win for you indeed.
Gary: Whats the feeling on your loss to Team Extreme?
I see you and your partner fought your hearts out,
but were just a lil short of a win.
Glitz: It's all good Gary, with all of us being in the CPA it's a win for our Stable.
Gary: That is A Good point there.
Gary: What do you think of your Rival getting a Victory,
over One your other stable mates
Hardcore legend killa Wolfie?
Glitz: Diva can thank Ravyn and NSRS 
for her win over Wolfie...Ravyn,NSRS will pay,
and so will Diva...
Gary: Now onto this week.
Gary: You fight Sexy Syrin your thoughts
about what you plan on doing??
Glitz: You know it's just a change of scenery for me...
The only one I have really fought is Diva...
I need these matches, rank and competition wise...
As far as what I plan to do...
We will save that for the ring,
but I will make her eat her words...
I promise you that...*laughs*
Gary: I am sure it Will be a Great exciting Match.
Gary: Then next you got Cpl. Punishment a guy
your partner made tap out, and a member of NSRS
a guy that attacked your stable.
What do you plan on doing to him?
Glitz: Awww, yes Cpl. Punishment...
Seems the NSR is trying to make a statement,
I will be sure to make an example out of him in the ring.
Gary: I am sure you Will,
cuz seems a War is Brewing Between NSRS and CPA.
Gary: What do you think about your partner facing
Colin "Big Dawg" Steele your rivals boy toy
in a House of Pain match?
Glitz: Oh my...*snickers*
I know my partner will make the "mutt" go under the porch
where he belongs...
It will definetly be pain when Punisher is done with him...
Gary: Then your partner faces Charles Cross in a House of Pain match.
He belongs to NSRS a group that attacked
your stable any thoughts?
Glitz: You know, our Stable is just taking care of business...
You mess with us, you better expect it back..
There is no one way street,
we will take care of them, one by one if need be...
But it will be done...
Gary: Then your Partner faces Lance Knight...
Do you think your partner is in over his head ?
Glitz: Nah...I think he will fair just fine...
He has picked some stiff competition this week...
But he will do just fine...
Gary: I see you have Steele Diamonds coming up at PPV 
in 2 weeks I bet you love that,
do you think you will use them to get back on a winning track?
Also you got Beauty and Link vs Glitzing punishment in 2 weeks?
Glitz: Oh we will put Steele Diamonds to great use Gary...
We will be back on the winning track,
and then we will be a force to be reckoned with...
Once we win against them, we will be ready for any other competitors...
Gary: Now I see you only have 1 singles loss you've got to be proud of that?
Glitz: I am very proud of my accomplishments...
I work just as hard as the rest of the players here...
I try to do the best I can,and I believe I have given it my all...
One loss...I can handle that...All I can say is, I do my best,
I try and play hard every week out there, give it my all...
If I win or lose, that's just numbers...I know I am good...
Gary: That is a Very Positive Attittude to have and,It will Help you go Far.
Gary: So who is your favorites here in AWL?
Glitz: Well of course I am going to say Punisher...
Really though,I have no favorites,just respect...
I respect all the players here, until they step on my toes...
If you push me, I'm pushing back...But I respect everyone here..
We are all players in the same game...
Gary:  Here in AWL who is yur biggest rivals?
Glitz: *laughs hysterically*
Well just in case everyone doesn't know already...
Diva (Sleeza) is my BIGGEST rival..
or should I say the biggest zip I'd love to pop...
Gary: In pro wrestling which wrestlers do and did you like the best?
Glitz: Oh you would ask this question *laughs*
The person I admired most I would have to say is
Randy Savage...And of course I like the Rock *mmmmmmmmmmm*
Then Buff Bagwell I Loved his Ego and ASSetts *mmmmmm*
Gary: *Shakes Glitz's Hand* Thank you for your time Glitz
and good luck to you this week.
Glitz: Thank you Gary...It has been a pleasure...*smiles*
Gary: This has Been another Edition of Locker Room Informer.
Gary: Now this Weeks Picks: March23 Denver,CO
House of Pain Match
Colin Steele vs.The Punisher
Punisher beat Colin in a Dog Collar Match,
So I say The Punisher will Win.
Bigg Shane vs.Graymayne
I will Have to say Graymayne
Fallen Angel vs.Entropy
I will Pick Entropy
??? vs.CPA
Well Wolfie and SPS will Get time
to prepare oppenets wont
Gotta say CPA
Atom Bomb Vs.Asmodeus
Atom Bomb Is what I will say
Jackson Payne vs.Charles Cross
Jackson Payne Will show K.O.D he can win without them..
Wyldside Rules
(Fall 1 Table, Fall 2 Hellfire)
Wolfie vs.C Dawg
The War Between CPA and NSRS.
Match 1
C Dawg 2 Falls to 1 Maybe
But I do see 3 Falls
Emerald Blaze & Draven Knight vs.Eden August & SPS
I Will say Eden and SPS
Based on the fact
Draven and Emerald haven't tagged yet.
Coun, The Iron Dragon vs.Aries
Aries always gives Coun trouble,
Aries to Win
Team Extreme vs.The Missing Link & Sexy Syrin
Tag Matches Single matches.
Wolfie is Perfect vs Link. 
Team Extreme to Win.
Jade vs.Wussy Boy
Match 2 CPA NSRS match
Jade Hands Down to Win.
Asmodeus vs.Demon
Asmodeus is Gonna be My Pick
Jackson Payne vs.Kong
I shall say Kong.
Hardcore Match
Lance Knight vs.The Missing Link
Lance Knight the Guy is Huge
House of Pain Match
Charles Cross vs.The Punisher
Match 3 in CPA NSRS War
Punisher has the better Record
Charles said Go through him,Boss is His.
Punisher Will want Ravyn in Ring.
so Punisher to Win.
Diamond Diva vs.Super Scotty
Diamond Diva to Win this one.
K.C. Tanks vs.SureShock
K.C. is my Guess.
He wants Cruizerweight Gold
House of Pain Match
Sexy Syrin vs.Wolfie
I don't think Wolfie will Lose
to Females two weeks in a row ?
Will be Sexy Syrins first Big test.
Wolfie Should win.
 HellRaisers vs.Steele and Storm
Colin Steeles mind well it
Has been on other things as of Late
Hell Raisers to Win
Fyre vs.Wussy boy
I am Gonna say Wussy messes with Fyre
He Gets Burned Fyre to Win
Death Guard vs.The Connection
Death Guard Broke up didn't they
Connection to Win
Wyldside Rules
(Fall 1 Table, Fall 2 Barbwire Ropes)
The Punisher vs.Lance Knight
Will be a Battle between to big men
I will say it might Lance..
But I will say winner of the First fall wins.
Kodiak vs.SureShock
Kodiak is a Pick
Rage & Punishment vs.Amazons
I will say Rage and Punishment
First Blood Match
Colin Steele vs.The Judge
Colin Steele is My Verdict
Sexy Syrin vs.Glitz
Sexy Syrin Would make a Impact with a Win
But way Glitz has been on Fire I can't go against her
But as always anybody can Win
so can't count Syrin out.
Draven Night vs.Genesis
Draven Night I think.
House of Pain Match
Kong vs.Diamond Diva
Kong is gonna be my Pick 
Glitz vs.Cpl.Punishment
Match 4 CPA vs NSRS
I have seen Cpl Fall
2 weeks ago to Wolfie
Last week he Tapped to Punisher
CPA has his Number.
Glitz to Win.
Main Event
Television Title Match
Aries vs.Eden August
Eden did make Coun Tap..
Held her title against
her Brother,and stable mate Wolfie.
Aries will be a Problem.
And Stiff Compettion but
Eden to Win the Womens been on a roll.

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