The Locker Room Informer

5-23-05: Jade

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary is Sitting at his Desk Looking over Lastweeks Lighting,
The Un-Civil War PPV Card and Memorial Day Madness Card.*

*A Knock is heard at Door at Jades appointment time*

Gary: Come in and Have a seat.

Jade: *walks in and looks around decides to lounge on the couch as someone else followers her in the door*
Oh Gary I forgot to tell you MY Problem Solver accompanied me.
*big grin as Punisher sits next to her on the couch*

Gary: is a pleasure to have you and your Problem Solver here.

Jade: Well thank you Gary it is quite the pleasure to be here.

Gary: Last week I see Team Extreme Came Close but fell a little short in
Tag Title Tournement..You and Wolfie got Plans for another Chase at the titles ??
3rd time may be the Charm.

Jade: *pats both titles on each shoulder and then taps Punishers shoulders*
Gary do you see all this gold? Do you really think Tag Gold can avoid us much longer?
I am most definately sure that Wolfie and I will soon have tag gold around our waists as well.

Gary: I also see in the PoP tourney it was a Great fight you did getting there by winning Battle Royal
but you ran into Daniel Carlson who is tuff to beat.
You got any Plans on getting back at him ??

Jade: Gary the Knight never reveals her thoughts to anyone but her problem solver
and I am sure the two of us will get the job done. Won't we big man?
*Punisher nods at Jade's question*

Gary: Then I seen you Defeated Fyre Congrats on that Win.
Was she a tuff Match ??

Jade: Well you know what I always say you can't count out any opponent.
Fyre is a very worthy opponent and I am almost sorry she didn't win to get a shot
at this womens title. But her day will come Gary she is an up and coming star
and will soon acheive gold.


Gary: I see your partners put down names Like Sureshock for the queen to get
her cruizerweight shot,and the Big man beat Cpl and Kodiak,
and Your Partner Wolfie beat Atom and Lance..
You also got a new member Charles Cross..
Your thoughts on all the people you and your stable mates have been taking down?

Jade: Well Gary there is a bit of an upset in the CPA right now
in case you hadn't seen and as far as the Knight is concerned
Glitz, Wolfie, the big man here, and Charles are all very high assets to the CPA
and this is why I will stand tall and do what I have to do to get the recognition for them that they deserve.

Gary: Now onto Un-Cival War.The First Inter promotional PPV.

Gary: You OUR AWL Womens Champion have UWA's Womens Champ Somber Angel.
Your thoughts on the Match ?? and I wish you much Luck in it..

Jade: I have no doubt that AWL will walk away with the win here.
And after I do win I will be known to you as Ms. AWL *laughs evily*

Gary: Then I see You and Wolfie Team Extreme have Damien Thorne and Lilith.
Whats your thoughts there?? but I wish you and Wolfie Luck for Representing AWL.

Jade: Like I said Gary we will be victorious. With this match its all about keeping our necks unexposed.
Ms. Lilith and Damian Thorne seem to have a liking for blood and
they sure as hell ain't gettin none of mine.

Gary: Also I see the big man in your group takes on their hardcore Champ and  the Judge there.,
Plus You The Big man and Wolfie are all in a battle Royal representing AWL...
Then in a tag battle royal from your group Wolfie and Charles Represent AWL.
I wish all of you Luck Prove the AWL is the best.

Jade: I wish CPA all the luck they need. *smiles at Gary*
And they won't need much, with all the skill that each of them possess.

Gary: Now onto Memorial Day Madness.

Gary: You and Wolfie have Atom Bomb and Sexy Syrin
what is your thoughts ??
and you two got any special Plans ??

Jade: Well this is purely a business match. I want to destroy these two to prove to them
who the better team really is. Wolfie and I have time on our side.
We have had time to work together and mesh as a team.
Syrin and Atom are the most unlikely team in the AWL,
but you never know stranger things have happened Gary,
and the Knight always has a backup plan.

Gary:  Then you get to Defend Womens Title..
*Congrats on winning it BTW You fought Hard to get it*
Your thoughts on Sting Ray and do you think you can beat Her 2 times in a row to Keep the Gold.??

Jade:Well I will be absolutely honest with you here Gary.
I am worried a little about this match with Sting Ray.
She is a very worthy opponent and I was very fortunate to get the chance at the title and then to win it.
Defending against her again could prove to be a difficult task and I will do so 100% but I repsect her tremensly.
This is no sure win.

Gary: Then the Anarchy Titles that You Wolfie and Your Big Man Punisher Won by
Defeating First Death Guard Atom,Coun,Lance.
then Defeating Colin Steele,The Diamond Diva and SureShock to Win them
Again Congrats..
Now you three Defend against the HellRaisers Kodiak,Demon,Scythe.
Do You think you three will survive yet another Big Team ??

Jade: Well I have faith in my boys but this is again no easy victory to be taken.
When we get in the ring it will be all business and no pleasure.
I stand tall and say we will retain our titles.

Gary: Then Also I see one you have been talking to alot Lately in Private,
The Punisher Defends his Wyldside gold also against the Former Champ Rage
How do you think Punisher will do ??
And Whats the stuff you have been telling Punisher cuz it has made him step up a notch.??

Jade: *looks at the big man with a sparkle in her eye*
Gary I only gave him more confidence then he had and the ability to destroy anything in his path.
Nothing more nothing less and he will defend his gold proudly and he will walk away a winner.

Gary: So What is Next For
The Knight,The Queen,The Animal,The Monster and The Crosshairs ??

Jade: Gary it seems to me what is next for this dominate force would be......
Well I won't reveal that just yet. *winks*
Lets just say is the AWL ready for an UPRISING?

Gary: I thank you for your Time Jade and In all your Matches I wish you Luck.

Jade: Thank you very much Gary and I will give it my all.

Gary: This has been another edition of Locker Room Informer.
Gary: Now my Picks ..of course at Un-Civil WAR is AWL all the WAY
But Memorial Day Madness
Atom Bomb vs. Colin Steele
I Pick Colin Steele Atom has to much on his mind now
Devilish Whirlwind vs. Sexy Syrin
Will Syrin Get Revenge ??
I have to Say Devilish Whirlwind cuz she got lots backup
Charles Cross vs. Fyre
I have a feeling this round Fyre will win
Atom Bomb & Sexy Syrin vs. Team Extreme
Team Extreme cuz Atom and Syrin are having Confusing feelings
Wussy Boy vs. The Punisher
The Punisher hands down
Lance Knight vs. Scythe
Lance Knight is my Guess here Providing Atom Dont get him DQ'd
Graymayne vs. Colin Steele
Graymayne is my Pick
CEO's Choice Match
Diamond Diva vs. Sexy Syrin
Diamond Diva is my Pick but depends on Match too
Contract Battle Royal
Bigg Shane, N Dogg, Super Scotty, Terry Storm,
Ghostwalker, Trinity
Trinity is my pick
World Tag Titles Match
Death Guard vs. Cpl. Punishment & Rage Hammer
Death Guard to Retain
Women's Title Match
Sting Ray vs. Jade
I have a Feeling Jade Will Pull this one off and Keep title
Anarchy Tag Titles Match
House of Pain Elimination
Hellraisers vs. Team Extreme Punishment
I Have to Say TEP based on the people they Have beat recently
Cruizerweight Title Match
Krafty K vs. Ravyn
Ravyn will Keep her Title
Wyldside Title Match
Rage Hammer vs. The Punisher
If the Punisher Stays on the Roll he is on he should win,
and Depends if Rage is more focused on Tag titles
North American Title Match
No. 1 Contender vs. No. 2 Contender
I will say the #2 contender whoever it is
World Title Match
C Dawg vs. Daniel Carlson
C Dawg to Win
Prince of Pain Tournament
Round 1
Scythe vs. Rage Hammer
Rage Hammer
Colin Steele vs. Kong
Colin Steele
Ravyn vs. The Missing Link
Genesis vs. Daniel Carlson
Daniel Carelson
Round 2
??? vs. ???
??? vs. ???
Daniel Carelson
Prince of Pain Final
??? vs. ???
Daniel Carelson

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AWL/NcW is a division of
Blackwalker Productions
