The Locker Room Informer

4-24-05: Atom Bomb

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

*Gary is sitting at his desk Looking over results and PPV Card*


*Hears Atom Bomb Knock on Door*


Gary: Come in Have a Seat.


Atom Bomb: *Atom walks in and sits, his North American title on one shoulder

The Tag Title on the other*


Gary: I see you Defeated Genesis Last week in a good fought match congrats on the win..Do you think you will face him again soon ?



Atom Bomb: *Laughs* Only if he goes to the gym and starts working

out alot Gary...Genesis was a nice workout...but hardly a challenge!



Gary: I also see (Death Guard) Daniel Carlson and you

Held onto your Tag Titles Vs the New Gods. Was it a tough Match ??



Atom Bomb: There was a small question in the match Gary....I had to talk to my

partner for awhile before the match just to make sure those so called Doctors

didnt mess with his mind to badly. I think I can say that Coun...excuse me

Daniel Carlson is in just as good a shape as he ever was!



Gary: I see Week after PPV you have Sexy Syrin in a Match. who is one your Stable mates Lances Partner and

Also one other wrestler Wolfies Girlfriend. Your Plans there ??

and any thoughts on the 2 Lance or Wolfie ??



Atom Bomb: Lance and I go way back you know we were also Tag partners

and were to last team to hold the old Tag Titles before they were retired!

Lance I have much respect for...This Wolfie wrestler though...cant say I ever heard of him!



Gary: Then also i see a few weeks after that you Got

Diamond Diva if you win shes your Slave for a week.

Can you let us in on some plans for her ?



Atom Bomb: *Laughs* Oh I think that you, and the rest of the AWL and their millions of fans will just have to wait and see Gary!



Gary: Well Now that Sounds Very Intresting *Smiles*

I am sure Diva is Waiting too.*Chuckles*


Gary: Now on to the PPV. I see our stable has alot of Matches.


Gary: Kong vs Wolfie

Lance vs SPS

Kong vs C Dawg

Aries vs Daniel Carlson for World Title.

Your thoughts on them matches ??


Atom Bomb: simple....KoD will Dominate as always


Gary: Now matches Involving you..

First Jackson Payne you Face as he goes for your North American Title

Your thoughts and plans on the match and jackson Payne ??


Atom Bomb: Jackson Payne will learn that you do not mess with the Holocaust.

Like all the rest who try to take my title have learned...

when you play with always get burned!


Gary: Then You and Daniel Carlson ( Death Guard ) face

Jade and Wolfie ( Team Extreme )

Who have only Lost once so far to lance and Syrin

Your thoughts on Team Extreme ?? and thoughts on the match??

Atom Bomb: As long as the Doctors leave my partner alone...

we will have no trouble getting rid of Team Extreme!

They are as the buzzing of flies to us, and will pose no challenge!


Gary: Now is when i ask Who you Respect most in AWL and

who is your Biggest Rivals ??

Atom Bomb: Who do I respect most in the AWL....

without any preamble I would have to say Aries...

and as for my Rivals....just look at the ones that lay in the Dust behind me!


Gary: Now also who is your favorites in the Pros ??


Atom Bomb: well Gary...I would have to say that would be Edge and the Dudleys


Gary: I thank you for your time and Wish You Luck this week


Atom Bomb: Thanks for your time Gary!


Gary: Thats all for this week tune in next week for Locker Room Informer

Gary: My Guest Will be Jade.
Now my Picks
AWL-NcW presents:

Storm of April

 April 27th, 2005
Pittsburgh PA!!!

Justin Scott Payne vs. Wussy Boy
I will say Justin Scott Payne beats his hero
Aries vs. Asmodeus
Aries to take this one
Triple Threat Match
Kodiak vs. Wolfie vs. ???
This will be a tough one not knowing
the 3rd man I will say
Wolfie and Kodiak will be to
focused on eachother and overlook 3rd person
so the 3rd to win
Canadian Nightmare vs. The Missing Link w/Blonde Bombshell
Canadian Nightmare will Win
Graveyard Match
Jackson "Death Dealer" Payne vs. Draven Night
The Death Dealer is my pick
Krafty K vs. SureShock w/Billy Simms
Krafty K is My Pick
Diamond Diva vs. Kendall
Diamond Diva is my choice
House of Pain
No Interferance 
The Punisher vs. Untouchable w/Billy Simms
The Punisher I will Pick
Eyce vs. Eden August
I will say Eden in a close one
Fyre vs. Colin "Big Dawg" Steele
Fyre will burn the Dawg
Kong, the Beast Unleashed vs. Wolfie
My Pick is Wolfie by More experiance
House of Pain
The Guardian, Lance Knight vs. Sir Psycho Sexy
Lance Knight has Been on fire
I think he will Win again
Eyce vs. The Missing Link w/Blonde Bombshell
Eyce Will win this one
Charles "Crosshairs" Cross vs. Fyre
Charles Cross I think will Take it.
Holocaust Hellfire
Diamond Diva vs. Glitz
Gliz will Win this One Diva has been cold
 Casket Match
Genesis vs. Draven Night
Draven Night will Get the Victory
Kodiak vs. Cpl. Punishment
Kodiak to Win
War Games
New Style Rebels vs. Certified Public Assasins
This Will be a Long Bitter battle
Lots of Blood sweat and tears will be shed
the winner will be
The Fans
 No Rules/No Interference
Colin "Big Dawg" Steele vs. Graymayne the Dark Prince
The Dawg will get the Victory
Kong, the Beast Unleashed vs. C Dawg
C Dawg will be my Pick
Cuz many have fallen to him
World Tag Titles Match
Team Extreme vs. Death Guard
Both Teams have been doing Great
Team Extreme Only Losing 1 so far
But Like Atom said if the Docs mess with Daniel Carlson.
I have a Feeling Team Extreme may Pull a Upset.
Women's Title Match
Jade vs. Sting Ray
Jade to Win as she has been smoking
and showed all she deserves the shot
Winning Last Months battle royal.
Anarchy Tag Titles Match
Team Extreme Punishment vs. Shocking Steele Diamonds
My Pick Will be Team Extreme Punishment
Based on the Fact they fought harder to get there
and I picked Jade to be New Womens Champ
so Behind Every great women is Great men.
Cruizerweight Title Match
DQ/Countout/Pin/Submission will lose title
Ravyn vs. SureShock w/Billy Simms
Ravyn to Win she is a great wrestler and
odds are in her favor
Wyldside Title Match
(House of Pain, Dog Collar, Bar Room Brawl)
Rage Hammer vs. The Punisher
Punisher in a long 3 hard fought falls
these two will need all 3 falls.
Rage holding title about 6 months
Punisher surviving a triple threat match a Couple weeks ago
to get the shot.
Plus I think everyone would like to see Cpl.punishment eat a cigar
North American Title Match
Holocaust Hellfire
Jackson "Death Dealer" Payne vs. Atom Bomb
My Guest Atom BomB to Win and Keep his title
World Title Match
Aries vs. Daniel Carlson
Aries to become the New AWL World Champ

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AWL/NcW is a division of
Blackwalker Productions
