The Locker Room Informer

3-27-05: Ravyn

Home | 2-18-05: Coun | 2-24-05: Diamond Diva | 3-04-05: The Missing Link | 3-11-05: Wolfie | 3-17-05: Glitz | 3-27-05: Ravyn | 3-31-05: Coun | 4-8-05: Sexy Syrin | 4-16-05: Lance Knight | 4-24-05: Atom Bomb | 4-30-05: Untouchable | 5-23-05: Jade | 6-13-05: Glitz | 6-30-05: Diamond Doll

*cameras open in on the set with Gary.*

Gary is sitting at his Desk Looking over the Results of the Card*

*He hears This weeks Guest Ravyn Knock on the Door*


Gary: Come in Have a seat Ravyn.


Ravyn: -Ravyn looks at Gary as she takes a seat.

But doesn't say anything.-


Gary: Good to have you here Ravyn..


Ravyn: ya I know. Everyone likes having me around.


Gary: So What do you have Planned in the NSRS War vs the CPA ?


Ravyn: Now if I told you Gary what I had planned,

then I would have to kill you.

But that could be arranged if you so liked.


Gary: What do you think of the performance

of C Dawg beating Wolfie 2 Falls to 1 in their Match ?


Ravyn: what you think my thoughts are about that.

I think C Dawg is awesom. I knew he would win.


Gary:Then I see Wussy Boy Lost to Jade your thoughts ?


Ravyn: ya my thoughts are about kicking your @ss.


Gary: Then Charles Cross Was Beat by Punisher

in a Match Charles Cross demanded what do you think there ?


Ravyn: I think that you are going to get your @ss whooped before

the night is finished..


Gary:By Punisher beating Charles cross,

You and Charles Cross had to Face Glitz and Wolfie

where you two were beat your thoughts ?


Ravyn:-Ravyn gets up out of her seat and glares at Gary

as she shakes her fist at him.-

You really want to get into this?


Gary: then Glitz Defeating Cpl Punishment in a Match you asked her to do

before she got to you and your Cruizerweight gold

your thoughts ?

and if you hold Title at PPV will Glitz

get shot you Promised ?


Ravyn: Wait one minute Gary.

I didn't promise her ANYTHING!!

I said if she wanted a shot at the belt

then she needed to take on Cpl Punishement.

But I never ever said that I would grant that request.


Gary: Also I seen the whole NSRS were Laid out at begging of show

do you know who may have done that ?


Ravyn:Trust me I know who did it..

and in the end they will pay.

-Ravyn looks to the camera and gives it the double bird.-


Gary: And in this war

who would you Honestly say has upper hand

so far CPA or NSRS ?


Ravyn: Now that is a stupid question Gary.

I am not going to answer that..

All I have to say. Is who has been around the longest??


Gary: Now on to your Accomplishments/Achievments

what do you think is your Greatest and Worst Moments

in the Ring ?


Ravyn: hmmm.. Well I would have to say my greatest moment

in the ring was when I married Krafty K,

-Ravyn blows a kiss at the screen.-

yes we did it in the ring. And my worst?

There isn't one. I am just that damn good.


Gary:now since your NSRS leader at PPV

Spring Siege do you think

Wussy Boy or Canadian Nightmare will win ?


Ravyn: What does me leading the NSRs have to do

with Wussy Boy winning?


Gary: Then do you think the New Gods Mystery and Judge

or Cpl and Rage will win ?


Ravyn: Oh please you expect me to answer that?


Gary: then do you think

K.C.Tanks SureShock or You will Win

Cruizerweight Title Match ?


Ravyn:You are really asking some lame questions.


Gary: then What about Rage Hammer and Scotty in the Wyldside Match winner ?


Ravyn: -Ravyn rolls her eyes at Gary.-

You know you are really getting on my nerves now.

If I were you I would watch what you are saying.

Cause it wouldn't take anything to whoop your @ss.


Gary: How about Krafty K your Hubby vs Atom Bomb

for North American Title?


Ravyn:Why are you asking me all these stupid questions?

You already know the answers to them.


Gary:Then there is Coun chalanging C Dawg

for his World Title in Couns 100th Match

your thoughts on it all?


Ravyn:I don't care if it is his 1st match or 100th.

Coun is NOTHING to me.


Gary: Now here in AWL what Wrestlers do you Respect ?

Which do you Despise ?


Ravyn: well I respect all the NSRs or course.

And I totally despise all the newbie wantabies.


Gary: In the pro Ranks if you have seen it

who is some your all time favorites ?


Ravyn: Well I would have to say Mick Foley.

That man is a god.


Gary: Thank you for your Time and

Good Luck at Spring Siege and Good Luck

in the War battle:


Ravyn: -Ravyn smiles as she gets up and starts

to walk out the door.

She turns around and kinda laughs.

She walks over to Gary and puts her hand out to him.

He extends his. Ravyn grabs it and pulls him off of his chair..

Ravyn "Ravyn Bombs" him to the ground.

Ravyn looks at him one last time as she is laughing

she blows him a kiss and then gives him the double bird

and turns around and walks out.-


My Picks


Hell in a Cell Match

Diamond Diva vs.Emerald Blaze

Emerald Blaze does seem to have Divas number


Kodiak vs.Draven Night

Kodiak in a close one


Graymayne vs.Aries

Aries will Prevail


Demon vs.Lance Knight

Lance Knight to Win


Jade vs.Lily Darrens

Jade shall Prevail

but will be tuff I have seen Lily fight


Genesis vs.Scythe

Gensis to win


Wussy Boy vs.Canadian Nightmare

Canadian Nightmare should win


Hell in a Cell Match

Sir Psycho Sexy vs.The Missing Link

SPS is my Choice he shall bounce back


Demon vs.Aries

Aries to win in a tough Battle


Glitz vs.Eden August

Will Glitz defeat her leader.?

My Guess Glitz very close tho


Fyre vs.Emerald Blaze

Fyre is My Pick


Contract Battle Royal
Winner keeps Contract
Artic Orca,Blaze,Crystal Vixen,Death Master,
Dragonmaster,Ghostwalker,Slade,Justin Sane.
Justin Sane to Win
Table Elimination Match
Team Extreme vs.Steele Diamonds
I have heard team Extreme and Wolfie
are upset about what
Diva and colin did last week
so Team Extreme to win
Coal Miner's Glove
The Judge vs.The Punisher
The Punisher has been good at walking into
Other peoples match choices and winning
8 Wrestler Tag Match
Death Guard & Mystery Person vs.Wolfie,Sexy Syrin,The Punisher & Glitz
All Depends who Mystery person is but
Glitz,Syrin Wolfie Punisher
have all been HOT as of late,
so is anybodys match.
World Tag Titles Match
The New Gods vs.NSRS(C & R)
Cpl Punishment and Rage hammer shall Win
Women's Title Match
Diamond Diva vs.Sting Ray
Diva has been Like a yo-yo good one week bad another
all depends if her week is Good
I think Diva will win even if by DQ
Cruizerweight Title Match
K.C.Tanks vs.Ravyn vs.SureShock
I will say Ravyn to kick butt
Wyldside Title Match
2 out of 3
Super Scotty vs.Rage Hammer
Rage Hammer Will Break Scotty in Half
North American Title Match
Krafty K vs.Atom Bomb
I will go with Atom Bomb
he has beat all as of Late.
Wold Title Match
Coun the Iron Dragon vs.C Dawg

On his Way to Hall of Fame Coun to Win


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AWL/NcW is a division of
Blackwalker Productions
