Oh, and I am planning to update this page sometime soon, if there are actually still recurring visitors left who give a damn ^^;;;.Netpoets.com is in the process of publishing their second book, consisting of poems that have been submitted to their website and selected on the basis of votes by visitors to the site, and according to Ron Carnell the site owner, essentially "drawing from the best poetry submitted to our ever-popular main site". I submitted only one poem to Netpoets a while ago, and to my surprise and delight, it has been selected for inclusion in the book. Hence, some shameless plugging here :) ~ the book consists of some 350 pages and retails at USD39.95 (if an order is placed before October 18, you can get it at USD29.95 as it is more economical to order books before they are sent to the printers). If you're interested, you can find out more from this link and if you would like to place an order for the book or want more info, please email me at amislee@lycos.com. Even if you don't want to buy any book, netpoets.com is worth checking out if you're into poetry. Unlike poetry.com, they do not run scams or anything of the sort - inclusion in their publications is based on merit alone and not on book purchase condition - and that's really neat, ya?
Updated 28 May 2000 ~ For those who e-mailed me about my fics and stuff, well, you're the reason I got off my lazy butt and updated this page ^^;;. Modified the design around a bit cos I felt like a change. I mean, I've had the blue background for ages. Three fic updates - YYH, KoF and the Miscellaneous Fics section. Updated the "Zen" fic for YYH. In KoF, Iori has a very strange day in Six o'clock. And I Remember Rain under the Miscellaneous section is a non-anime fanfic. Usually I don't do non-anime fanfics, but... well, obviously I just did ^_^. It's based on the drama series The Heroine of the Yangs, which is a story set during the Song Dynasty time period in China, and has enough fantastically-attired people, soap opera-ish storylines and unconventional characters that it might as well have been anime ^_^. For site update, go here.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Mostly fics about Kurama, though other
characters do make appearances ^_^. *UPDATED*
Slam Dunk: A Mitsui fic, a Haruko fic, a Rukawa fic,
a Senru fic, and an everybody fic.
King of Fighters: Yagami Iori is in all of them somewhere
^_^. *UPDATED*
Miscellaneous fics: An EVA poem, and a non-anime fanfic. *UPDATED*
Odds and Ends: Fanart, incomplete fics, anime and manga
summaries, rantings and ravings. *UPDATED*
If you don't know anything about the aforementioned anime and videogame, go here for an introduction. You can tell me what you think of this page, the fics, the fanart, the level of religiosity in today's society, global warming and how many bugs your cat ate today by e-mailing me at amislee@mailcity.com.
Yu Yu Hakusho
Part One Part
Yomi and Kurama during the Makai tournament. Yomi no Miko was kind enough to translate this fic into Portuguese. You can find it at her lovely Yomi shrine.
Beautiful Eyes shonen
Hiei thinks about Kurama. My first fanfic ^_^.
Note: shonen ai=male/male relationship
When It Rains
Kurama and Shiori and Hiei.
Weird fic on Karasu. Changed the title. Sorry, but I'm just bad with
Kurama and Botan go out for ice cream.
Life and the Universe as Seen Through Zen shonen
ai Updated 25 May '00
After Minamino Shuuichi's human death, Youko Kurama returns to the
Makai and meets up with some old friends.
Yukina on a spring morning.
Desert Places
Part One Part
Two Part Three Part
Four Part Five Part
Six Part Seven
An alternate reality fic set eighteen years in the future in which
not all the YYH characters lead happily-ever-after lives.
While I was wandering the web, I realized that there are a lot of Chinese YYH fanfics floating around. So I decided to post English translations of interesting Chinese fics for those (like myself) who can't read Chinese. Arigato to Eserine who did the translating!
Angel by Kurahia
A Sensui and Itsuki fic! How often do you see one of those? And this
is really touching, too. Posted without permission as we don't have the
author's e-mail.
Kurama with Rose Whip
Just a quick pen sketch based on Kurama from manga 15.
The title is kinda self-explanatory, isn't it?
Haruko's Diary
Haruko thinks about somebody... guess who? ^_^
Childhood's End
Rukawa's childhood. This hasn't been edited.
Study in Light shonen ai*
Sendoh and Rukawa. Tentative title.
Note: shonen ai = male/male relationship
Several years later, the Shohoku team members meet up with each other
King of Fighters
Six o'clock
Waiting for six o'clock. An Iori fic (of course ^^).
Twelve-year-old Kagura Chizuru at the park.
stumble down
Um, a rather esoteric Iori poem. For my opinion on poems, see below
Miscellaneous Fics
To Nagisa Kaworu
This is a poem. Generally I don't like to write poems. That's one of
the reasons why my poetry page has more other
people's poetry than my own. But, I haven't watched enough Eva to write
a fic about it, so... *shrugs*
I Remember Rain
My first non-anime fanfic ^_^. It's based on the drama series Heroine
of the Yangs, set during the Song Dynasty in China. If you don't know
anything about this series, here's a not-very-brief summary
on the story.
Odds and ends
Berg Katse
My third fanart. My version of the Gatchaman villain without
his/her mask.
My first (so-called) fanart, badly scanned. This is for Eserine.
Anime Heroes
A li'l rant.
Et cetera
Incomplete fics, etc...
Anime Summaries
What it says.
Manga Summaries
Also what it says.
guestbook | Anime Gallery | Slam
Dunk | Links | Webrings
Home | Prose and Poetry
| Quotes! | falling
tree | Profile
If you want to look at pictures and descriptions of the characters,
go here.
And if you're looking for more pages on YYH, SD or anime fanfics in
general, don't forget to check out the webrings!
Yu Yu Hakusho copyright Togashi Yoshihiro, Shueisha Inc, Studio Pierrot, etc. Slam Dunk copyright Inoue Takehiko, IT Planning and Shueisha Inc. King of Fighters copyright SNK. Neon Genesis Evangelion copyright Gainax. X belongs to Clamp and Gatchaman belongs to some people I don't know who but it's certainly not me. The Heroine of the Yangs copyright HKATV. The fan fics/art on this page (unless otherwise stated) belong to me and no profit is being made from them. The so-called design of this page was modified on le vingt-cinq mei deux mil. Gesundheit. The bg is from here and the rest are from here. I can't believe that you read through all this.