
Zachary Smart: cute and dumb, Zach carries on the Smart tradition
Maxine Smart: femme fatale #1....she's definately her mother's daughter!
Maxwell Smart: the originator.
Agent 99 aka Mrs. Maxwell Smart: she may not be a spy any more, but she can still handle her share of KAOS
Agent 66: femme fatale #2, don't let her sweetness fool you.
Dr. Austin Parker: the little, rich, orphan lab man. He may be smart, but that can kill you
the other agents: when they appear, it's Team Smart,4 KAOS,0
CONTROL: the secret organization of good.
KAOS: the secret organization of evil
Conrad Sigfired, Jr: the new head of KAOS. Can he leave the same mark as his father?
Thomas Hill: second in command. he won't stop at nothing to see the destruction of Team Smart
Conrad Ludwig Von Sigfried: The original bad boy. Still causing problems for Max and 99
Shtarker: still the lacky, helping his godson to total world domination

Team Smart: The team of Smart, Lewis, and Parker
Cone of Silence: the anti-bugging device
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