Original Deployment Orders
A very special thanks to Kevin Coakley, for providing these orders!
who also wote that:
This is only a partial list -- in total, there were about 68 soldiers (eight
8-man sections, the 2 PSGs, and 2 PLs) deployed on 29 Jan 91 from two
batteries in 4-29 FA. They came from Alpha and Charlie battery. Only 13Bs
and the leadership from the platoons deployed; no FDC, survey etc.
When we got there (KKMC) we were dealt out to other units. We were
able to keep section integrity--meaning the sections were sent as a whole,
but were broken down where they were needed when they got to the various
units. My PSG, SFC Jones, and I were sent to the 2 ACR. He went with HHT
2/2 ACR and I was sent to be the Company FSO with D Company, 1/2 ACR. 2 of
my 4 sections were also assigned to the 2 ACR, the third section went to the
75th FA Bde (from Ft. Sill), and ironically, the fourth section went to 2-29
FA -- they manned the "float" gun to become the 25th howitzer 2-29 FA during
the war. I don't know if you knew this but 2-29 actually fired 25 guns
during the war -- the float was fired, but it had to be towed around the
battlefield by the VTR because the engine was inoperational.
Sorry, but I don't have any information on A Btry's platoons.
LT Pete Stoneham deployed his PLT from A Btry, and I deployed my PLT from C Btry.
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