Thursday November 7, 2002 (cont.):  So we drove around some more and as we drove past the Overlook restaurant someone was standing outside telling passing cars that they were open.  So we turned around and went back (actually we circled around as Overlook restaurant is on the only 1-way street I've seen in Anguilla) and stopped in for a diet coke.

We had a nice conversation with Ambrose (the owner?).  He even took our picture for us - this is the only picture of me taken the whole trip so enjoy.


We would have eaten dinner there but their menu did not appeal to Mike.  So we went to English Rose for dinner.  Mike had a club sandwich and I had grilled chicken.  $20 for a very good meal.  I told Mike one of my favorite things about that meal was that there was no decoration on my plate - just lots of good food!  Nothing pretentious about this restaurant!

While we were waiting for our food we had a nice conversation with Chris and Robin who moved to Anguilla a year ago from Australia.  Chris was the assistant pastry chef at Altamar but is now the assistant pastry chef at Cap Juluca.  We had a great chat and discovered that we had actually driven right past their house in our travels today!  They told us if we ever came back to Anguilla to be sure to look them up and they would take us to some "hidden Anguilla" spots they know about.

We went back to the villa, baked some cookies, watched Survivor, laughed about how much more fun we were having on our island than the survivor contestants were having on their island, listened to the ocean, then went to bed to prepare for our last day :-(

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