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This is one of our "alligator express" for lack of a better term.  This is a summer thunderstorm that comes from a certain fetch off the Gulf of Mexico and is an especially prolific rain producer.  These normally are not severe and are very beneficial.   


This is a different type of storm.  Notice almost center of photo is the beginnings of a funnel.  This storm raced southeast and caused fatalities.  When they suck in dry air as this one did, watch out. 


     Shown is one of the painted sky sunsets that are frequent during the rainy season. 


     Don't laugh northern folks, but above and below, that is SNOW on January 9, 2010.  The amount is small, but this is Florida...   The snow shown in both photos is on my Toyota Tacoma truck.



Coyote.   I rather not have this coming around.