Home | Spider Daylily Robin | Rainbow River | Doves | Sherman's Fox Squirrels | Alligators | Iris Family | Other Photos | Other Plants I Grow. | Birds in the Garden | Camellias | Crinums | Irises | Some of my favorite Links | Into the Twenty-First Century | 1990's | 1980's | 1970's | 1960's | 1950's | Daylilies not registered with the AHS | 1945 to 1949 | 1940 to 1944 | 1930's | 1920's | Before 1920 | Daylily Species | Hemerocallis fulva
Historic or Heritage Daylilies
Some of my favorite Links

Bible Gateway.

The American Hemerocallis Society

American Hemerocallis Society Region 12

The American Iris Society

Species Iris Group of North America

These are mostly garden related links. Two plant societies above.  Very few Irises grow in Florida, so I am no longer a member of the Iris Society, but I recommend it for those who live in climates where Irises do well.  I am a member of the Species Iris Group of North America.  Please let me know of any broken links.  bigalligator@bellsouth.net or gatorbait1962@yahoo.com   As of December 14, 2012, all links on this page are working  

I am very impressed with Conserve It Forward [Avalon Theisen.]  This young girl is doing a lot to protect nature, and recently started giving growing plants a try too.   The two links below are to her organization. 

Conserve It Forward

Conserve It Forward Facebook Page

Below is a link to the Ruth Hunt Candy Company which is in Mt. Sterling, KY.  At one time, I lived several miles from their factory.  They ship candy virtually anywhere.  It is a wonderful product. 

Ruth Hunt Candy Company

1974 Tornado Damage Camargo, Kentucky

     Check out Charlotte's Daylily Diary at the link below.  Her website is great, and it also contains many Daylily links. 

Charlotte's Daylily Diary

Brian Mahieu is a Daylily hybridizer who is also an artist.  Check out his web page below. 

Brian Mahieu's Daylily and paintings page

     In the year 2006, the world of Daylilies lost a hybridizer of the Spider form of Daylilies.  Shannan Read of England has created a wonderful Tribute to Ned Roberts webpage.  The link below will take you to it. 

Ned Roberts Tribute Page

Below are some links to some commercial sources of Daylilies.  Not being on the list is not meant to be a criticism of the business.  The Daylily Net link contains an index of many Daylily source websites. 

Hickory Springs Daylilies of Montgomery

Iris City Gardens

Moonshadow Gardens

Fairyscape Daylilies

Johnson Daylily Garden

Marietta Gardens

North Country Daylilies

Daylily Net Many links here.

Steak 'n Shake



The Alligator this girl is sitting on is real.  This was at Gatorland and she was facing their photographer.   What you can't see is the Alligator's mouth is taped shut.  Her hands were covering the tape.   For more about Gatorland, check the link below. 

Gatorland - Orlando