GRAPE MAGIC ( Ater, 1976). I found this interesting plant locally at Dinkins Store in Dunnellon.
Dinkins Store has since closed. I have grown this plant for 13 seasons. It's Rust Resistance Grade is B.
An interesting note on GRAPE MAGIC is it is one of the parents of SCF ESTELLA which is on the 21st Century page of this site.
BUTTERSCOTCH RUFFLES (Harling, 1978). I had this Daylily twice before and it rotted, but that was
when grown in sand. It appears to be okay in Earthgro Potting Soil [Florida Mix] and I hope that continues, because
not only is this little flower pretty, it blooms a lot. This attempt at growing it has lasted two years and going strong.
The Rust Resistance Grade for it is A+.
GALADRIEL (Glidden, 1979) Like BUTTERSCOTCH RUFFLES, I had tried this one twice before. The
first two times, it died "Death by Armadillo." This attempt has resulted in me having it two years and it looks great
and had to be divided. This year, it set a blooming time record for me, lasting from March 10 till the first week of
September. It gets a Rust Resistance Grade of A+.
LADY NEVA (Alexander, 1970) I love this gorgeous thing. I had attempted to grow it once
before, and... That darned Armadillo. This time, it is going into its fourth season here and had to be divided.
It gets a Rust Resistance Grade of a good solid A.