Shown are various birds that I see in the garden, some all year, some seasonal. The ones
that are seasonal are indicated as such. I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation to the members of the
Nature's Images Yahoogroup for identifying some of the birds shown on this page.

Red Bellied Woodpecker. The often hard to see red spot on the belly shows up well in this photo. These are
here all year and enjoy suet cakes.

Song Sparrows. These birds are here in winter only.

Palm Warblers. Another winter visitor.

Redheaded Woodpecker. These are around all year, but presence is unpredictable.

Indigo Buntings. They are here only a short time as they fly north in spring.

House Finches. These birds used to not be here, but have been expanding their range. We have them now.

Chipping Sparrow. Winter only.

Downy Woodpecker. These love suet cakes.

Carolina Wren. To be so small, these are noisy little things, but I like them.

Eastern Bluebird drinking out of the birdbath on a hot day in December 2008. These are here all year. I have
some that live in a birdhouse under the eaves right outside the sunroom window.

American Goldfinches. These are winter birds here. As I enter this text, November 7, 2009, the first have
arrived back here in the last couple days. Most shown are still in winter plummage, but some are molting into their
more colorful breeding plummage. They molt right before they leave.

Mockingbird sitting on truck window. This bird has been known to fight his reflection.

Robin. These are seasonal any time between late fall and early spring. But, they are more numerous
here and more frequently seen in the late winter till they fly north.

Cardinal. These birds are here all year. They love the bird feeders, especially in the early morning
and again in the late evening.

Female Cardinal in a Chinaberry Tree.

Pileated Woodpecker. While these are found in the general area all year, especially closer to the rivers, I see
them in the garden rarely except in the early spring.