Disable JAVA esp
when surfing unsure SIAL (Secret Intelligence Alliance?)
Avoid posting/emailing
during off-peak hours
(M'sia time 2.00am to 7 am)
When signing up for free email/home page,
always read their privacy statement carefully
Some of these guys will release yr profile to big brothers
(there have been some court cases involving yahoo N hotmail accounts).
Use proxy 1st
then use pseudo email before emailing
When using pop mail software
disable image loading.
(in Netscape Mail - select Edit, Preference, Advanced, then
uncheck the "Automatically load images selection").
Some one could be mailing u an external
picture N log yr activity. A simple clear transparent pixel (1x1) is hardly noticeable. Infact this page uses this technique as well! (I'm using
my pgm to check pageview stats (N maybe find a good proxy?). In addition, goggle, beseen, thecounter, superstats, etc may record your IP for demographic purposes and ...
Sample: server log:-
3977: - www.thenetspy.com - - [20/Jun/2000:14:09:15 +0200] "GET /img/spacer.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 43
If u use Yahoo pop mail - select the forwarder to forward text only, and not HTML.
Don't crack or spam or attack to cause damage. Use 'other smarter' ways to
wrestle yr enemies. It is better to make them sleep than to make them awake.
For this reason some people invent the science of magic - to deceive yr eyes in order
to win (or rob???) yr money tru the ticket sales!
When sending attachment or publishing web pages -
- make sure those files DO NOT contain dangerous file headers
which indicate the software serial number/key/yr company etc.
- Use a hex editor to verify or reinstall such package by putting dummy usernames
and company names/address etc.
- Remember those JPG, GIF, DOC files could contain yr identity!
U can choose a hex editor (like Norton disk edit) to manipulate such headers.
Never let the
software remember yr important web password though encrypted
in yr hard disk.
U can't hide
forever unless u are inside the core
of the system
Don't choose email
names that reflect yr character or can give clues about yr identity
Always check for
trojans inside yr PC.
Get updated trojans
cleaner or a Panda antivirus
Read security
bulletins N advisories
frequently - but there are too many of them,
may be U should
be a ##### yrself
Sample of links to start with:-
I am a Malaysian Citizen, but I am not a computer/web specialist by degree...
so ask yr real teacher at yr univercity or buy some good books/magazines.
Nowadays you can easily find many
hacking books at bargain prices at Amazon
Having reached here - u should have understood the following concepts:
- The internet is made up of clients (such as your browser) N servers (such as apache web server),
which communicate via certain ports.
- You can reach a particular server through another server or servers. (remailing/proxing/bouncing).
The trick is to find an 'open' anonymous path.... or create one yourself using perl,c, etc.
- We can change or anonymize ourselves by modifying what we send to our target - by using 'regedit', or by using an encryption, or by tunnelling through special programs, such as junkbuster, ipchains (masquerading) on the client side.
- We choose the anonymous path to reach the target, hence bypassing roads which might be constantly monitored by big brother. The server thinks we come from A, when infact we are from B.
- Privacy also means you have to be aware of holes in your system - because bad guys could sneak N view all your personal stuff in your hard disk when you are online. For this reason you should install an anti trojan or antiworm tools to watch or block such activity. Normally this would mean you have to get the latest version of your browser, operating systems, or any other programs which listens N accept data from the internet (such as irc, ftp client software or server daemons in your PC).
- You need to constantly probe connection from the outside. There are many programs that can do this, such as remote nmap utility or my whois/ping/trace gateway program.
- You don't have to be an expert to learn. Information is everywhere, but the hardest part is to
understand and make use of such information...
There are many other ways to guard your privacy - and the web might not be able to help
you 100%. Some cool magazines and good books will help to keep you well informed and up to date:-
Internet Security Advisor Magazine
Serves IT professionals who must ensure the safety of their organizations against computer network breaches and failures. Focusing on Microsoft Windows NT and Internet computing, each issue includes user spotlight stories, how-to columns, deep technical articles, case studies, tips, answers to reader questions, and comprehensive product information.
  Internet Security Advisor
- This page may dissappear sooner or later!
- U can reach me (if I'm still exist) via :-
for unencrypted mail
- URL: http://tip4u.cjb.net This Hiding Page stuff
- My virtual name is web aNtu (for hiding stuff) but I have more than 10 virtual names
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