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Wingate Stuff 

    • What is wingate?
    • WinGate is a proxy server firewall software package that allows you to share 

    • a single (or multiple) Internet connections with an entire computer network.
      The Internet connection shared by WinGate can be of nearly any type, 
      including dial up modem, ISDN, xDSL, cable modem, satellite connection, or 
      even dedicated T1 circuits.
    • A user connects to the server running wingate, and wingate acts like a proxy
      that bounces them around where they want to go.
      (and the user gets the wingate's ip address)

    • Finding Wingate :-
      • The hardest part is finding a working wingate
      • U can get some from 
      • or connect to Warez, Hacking, Phreaking channels on IRC and scan peoples domain names. Many of the parties involved have bounced through a WinGate

      • To lookup an ip (convert domain to ip) use nslookup in unix/linux.
      • For windows ping the host from Windows dos-prompt.

      • After retrieving the ips, put them in yr scanner software 
        Also try "/stats g " in one of these irc channels : #hackphreak ; #warez950

Using Wingate :-

    • Basically using wingate is by telnetting to a wingate server first at that wingate port no (eg telnet 23).
    • Most wingate run at port 23.
      U can also search wingate by fetching any decent N general port scanner
      N hunt for port 23.... try telnet to it. If u get a wingate prompt then
      u are lucky.

    • Once u get the WINGATE> prompt u must quickly telnet to other servers N their respective port no or u might end up with timeout error.

    • U can connect from one wingate server to another wingate server.. hence increasing yr untracebility

      • telnet 23
        WINGATE> 23
        WINGATE>foo.whatever.server port.of.that.server

    • On some systems (unix) u may get a unix style prompt instead - not wingate.
      This could be a misconfigured open telnet proxy.
      On these systems it is recommended not to type the host and/or port in the command line
      Why? Becos they might show up in the logs!!!
      Try this instead:-

        [ you@yourhost ]$ telnet
        telnet> open 23
        [ ]$ telnet
        telnet> open 23
        ....... and so on.
      U can connect from one wingate server to another wingate server.. hence increasing yr untracebility

      • telnet 23
        WINGATE> 23
        WINGATE>foo.whatever.server port.of.that.server

      Note: -
      WinGate> prompt

      if u get lame messages like :

      - 'connection refused' or
      - 'access denied'... or
      - 'too many connected users - try back later'.

      the last message tells you
      that there is a huge block of lamers sucking it up dry.. when it says
      'try back later'.. that really means 'in about an hour the message will
      change to access denied'? (ripped from keenVeracity)

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