Wingate spoofing:
the easy way:
For this
one you have to have mIRC 5.4*.
Go to the setup
of mIRC (file, setup) and choose for 'Firewall. Enable 'use SOCKS firewall'.
Enter your Wingate server in the 'Hostname' textbox. 'User ID' and 'Password'
must remain empty. Default port is 1080. Click 'ok' and connect to an IRC
server. That's it.
Wingate spoofing:
the hard way 1:
You can
use your normal IRC client. Stay offline and type in the status windows:
/server wingate-ip:[port
23] ie /server xxx.xxx.xxx(IP Address) 23
Alway connect
to port 23
Something like
this will appear:
Then you'll
get a bunch of garbage like wingate in ascii characters
*** Connecting
to (23)
Local host:
god.bikkel.com (
to host NICK...Host name lookup for 'NICK' failed
USER god "rdg"
"" god.bikkel.com
to host USER god "rdg" "" ...Host name lookup for 'USER god
"god.bikkel.com" "" ' failed
You are now
connected to the Wingate. On to the next step. Connecting to IRC.
Typ: /quote
irc.server.com 6667
Connect to
any IRC server you like (and authorized to) and use whatever port you want.
This will appear:
-> Server:
ircnet.sprynet.com 9998
9998 god "rdg"
"" ...Host name lookup for 'USER god "god.bikkel.com" ""
' failed
to host ircnet.sprynet.com...Connected
Next to
steps you have to do in a hurry. There isn't much time before you'll get
a ping timeout.
/quote user
god bikkel snikkel yrnick
/quote nick
Of course you
type after nick your own nick. Use 4 different words after /quote user.
Otherwise you can't connect.
Now you're
on IRC.
Wingate spoofing:
the hard way 2:
After you
get the Wingate ip...type these steps into the edit box in the IRC client:
/server xxx.xxx.xxx(IP
Address) 23
Then you'll
get a bunch of garbage like wingate in ascii characters
/raw irc.server.com(Irc
server you want to connect to) 6667(port)
The connecting
sequence will appear
/raw user (username)
(emailaddress) (userID) (forgotwhatthiswasusedfor,justtypeX)
/raw nick (nickname)
And there,
you're now wingate spoofing.
Wingate spoofing:
the hard way 3:
Once you have
found your Wingate server..........
1) Connect
to the Wingate on port 23 (i.e. ./server 23)
** After you
connect to the Wingate Server somethin like this should popup:
to host NICK...Host name lookup for 'NICK' failed
USER KrustyKid
"HAHA" "" Yuck Fou
to host USER KrustyKid "ggggg" "" ...Host name lookup for
'USER KrustyKid "ggggg" "" ' failed
2) Once connected
to the Wingate, Connect to the server you want by by typing ./quoter <server >
<port >
** After you
you type the above in Step #2 something like this should Popup:
-> Server:
<server you typed in >
7 KrustyKid
"ggggg" "" ...Host name lookup for 'USER KrustyKid "ggggg"
"" ' failed
to host Irc22.jerky.net...Connected
***** NOTE
The last
2 steps you mst do in kinda a hurry... That means be quick about it
* As soon as
connection to server starts
3) Type /quote
user <blah1> <blah2 > <blah3> <blah4> <blah5> . I doesnt
really matter what you use as long as its all different. (i.e. /quote user
asdfj sadfi asdn asdfl asdfu)
4) Type /quote
nick <nick>
If you did
it all correct you should be connect to the server fine. Try typing /whois
<yournick>. If you didnt get connected try other irc servers.