
Personnel Actions


Personnel Actions


Other (Word/Excel)

In-Place Consecutive Overseas Tour (IPCOT)


  1. This allows a soldier to serve a consecutive overseas tour at the same location within Germany
  2. One approved, the tour will begin after the current DEROS. It is considered a regular PCS and is treated in most the same way.
  3. Since this is one type of consecutive overseas tour, the soldier will be entitle to 15 days non-chargeable leave and round trip tickets to the USA or 30 days non-chargeable leave. This is taken in place of PCS leave but must be taken within one year of the start of the tour. This one year requirement may be postponed by the command due to military necessity.

Approving Authority
DA (Branch specific to soldiers MOS).

Supporting Documents

  1. DA 5888 (EFMP Screening)
  2. DA 5862 - if EFMP indicates that enrolment in the EFMP is warranted
  3. ReAssignment ITT/COT Data Sheet.
  4. Last PCS orders with anything that has changed the soldiers DEROS (FSTE's, Command Sponsorship, etc)

Joint Forces Travel Regulation U5222F

Work Flow

Who What
Soldier Recieves DA 5888 and DA 5862 (if warrented). Fill out Reassignment ITT/COT worksheet
Unit Prepares DA 4187 for individual and commanders signature
Bn S1 Prints ERB. Prepares BN Cdr Endorsement
BDE S1 Prepares BDE Cdr Endorsement and forwards to Branch

Example COT worksheet (fillable PDF)
Example IP/COT (fillable PDF)