Recap 6/22/03
What starts out as a heel turn for Coach when he takes a chair to the back of Shane-O Mac leads into a work involving Coach and Al.....which begins like this Special Raw report for 9/1/03 Your webmaster Wayne-O!#%^* Reporting So Coach and The King are having their match and Coach seems to be taking a licking when out of the blue we here Al's voice......he's at the top of the ramp Al:Coach.....stop this.....stop this man Coach is out of the ring Coach:I don't need your help......I don't need your help....get in the back Coach gets back in the ring and Jerry puts Coach in an Arm Bar Al:Coach come on Frankly you are embarrassing yourself......and you are embarrassing Sunday Night Heat....come on....stop it right now Jerry.....Jerry just let him go let him out of the ring and I'll toss in the towel for him....ok....lets just stop this stuff right now.....he's out of his league.......come on....Coach......come on out of the ring Jerry lets him go Coach rolls out of the ring and faces Al Coach:I don't need your help Al:You need my help....you are out of your mind Coach:I don't need your help A;You need my help Coach:I can beat him......I can beat him Al:He's a Wrestler Coach:I don't need your help Coach pushes Al Coach:Get in the back.....I'm going to finish this match From behind King hits Coach in the face as he turns around.......Jerry rolls Coach into the ring...... The screen on my tv goes Dark!? But the replay shows Al slamming Jerry into the ring post and rolling the King into the ring ........Wow!.......Coach gives an elbow drop to the King and gets the pin Now that stinker Al is all happy.....it was all a set up....hey hug and laugh their way up the ramp Fade out Fade in......we find Al and Coach in the back..... Al and Coach:Coach wins....Coach wins Coach:Did you see Kings face......OH!...OH! Al:It couldn't have happened to a nicer guyCoach:Well unless it happened to JR In walks Eric Eric:What do you guys think you are doing?.....just what is going thru your minds?......I want to know Al and Coach look at each other puzzled like Eric: let me be the first to congratulate you Ah blah blah.....they all start talking at once Coach:It was all my idea Al:It was a great Idea Eric:I only wish I would have thought of that..... Coach:It doesn't matter who's idea it was....... Stone Cold taps Eric on the back Stone Cold:Wish you would have thought of what?.....uh? to Coach Stone Cold:And you....are you proud of yourself?.....you think you are special?.....is that what you think?.....Stone Cold is going to go do something special.....and I'm going to do it just for you Stone Cold goes out to the ring and sets up a match for Unforgiven......JR vs Coach Now it is Dark
Raw Special report for 9/8/03 your Webmaster Wayne-O!#$%^* reporting Well the Wrestling News Board boys got it right......Uncle Eric comes out and tells Jr that he has changed JR vs Coach at Unforgiven to a tag team match between JR/The King vs Al/Coach......sooooooo.....later on we find Al,Coach,and Uncle Eric in the Back Coach:(imitating JR) We got Wood..We got wood I can't belive it one of the greatest matches ever Al:(imitating the King) Oh JR every time I get Wood I see Puppies....I see Puppiesssss..... Coach(to Al) King.....King....King.....easy King Al: You too JR.....I love Puppies Uncle Eric:Look I'm glad you guys are having fun....but you know what?.....that match just gave me a great idea Al:Yea.... Uncle Eric:At Unforgiven....picture this....6 man tag team match.....all three Duley's...Spike....Bubba....Devon Coach:I like it so far Uncle Eric:Against La Resistane and Rob Conway.....BUT.... Al:Buttttt.... Uncle Eric:I'm going to make it a Tables Match Again Coach and Al break into imatation..... Coach:A tables match!!!???....King can you belive it?????....somebodys going to taste wood at Unforgiven Al:As longas we see Puppies.... They both start laughing Eric goes on to talk about surprises.....Coach says he too has a serprise......in walks Gail Kim....yada yada yada..... Later on we find Coach and Al in the ring...... Coach does all the talking so heres the recap of that Coach starts off by saying that he knows that JR and King are worried about lossing their jobs after Al and Coach beat them at Unforgiven but that there are alot of jobs out there that JR could do that JR would be perfect for such as and Coach points to the Titantron.......maybe JR could be a dancer.......they show JR's head on a male dancers body.....or maybe JR could just be a wrestler.....they show Sumo Wrestler with JR's head..... Or JR could find hs Feminine side and they show JR wearing a TuTu ......or maybe maybe Coach will beat JR at Unforgiven like a Goverment Mull......they show a photo of a Mull with JR's face on it .......oh but wait says Coach....the head is on the wrong end Or JR could be a movie star and oh there is a new Star Wars movie comming out and JR could play JR the Hut....and there is JR's had as JR the Hut.... Coach goes on to call Jr down to the ring so JR gets up and goes down to the ring......King seeing that Al is in the ring King makes his way to the ring also..... Coach and JR get face to face....Coach calling JR noames and what not...Coach knocks JR's hat off his head...... Coach calls JR a Spineless....gutless...no good cowardly Red Neck....... JR decks Coach......Al runs up to JR but stops in his track as the King steps his way.......Al backs off the help Coach get up only to be kick in the butt out of the ring by JR...... Oh my little Al Snow fans.....it's on now.........yea......it's on now
Raw report 9/15/03.....your webmaster Wayne-0#%^* reporting We find the Snowman and Coach in the back with Uncle Eric..... Al:Wow Eric:Oh..poor Spike.... Al plays like he is crying over Spike being put thru a table again Coach:I'm thinking that hurt Eric:I feel so bad for him.....you really have to......but guys is that the kind of carnage I can expect out of you two at Unforgiven when you take on JR and the King? Al:Boss I guarantee we are not going to let you down after Unforgiven the area of the Snowman and the Coach BEGINS Coach:I couldn't have said it better myself.....also I want to ask about my idea Al:Ah..Ah Coach:Sorry..our idea for later on tonight? Uncle Eric:Thought about it....everything is in place Al:yea.... Uncle Eric:I love the idea Coach:Cool Al:Alright Coach:I know you would Uncle Eric:Now if you will excuse me I have to attend a contract signing between Shane McMahon and Kane for the last man standing match for Unforgiven,p>Coach: I wanted to thank you for for not sending me out those things always get crazy you never know whats going to happen so good luck Boss Eric: I have to protect my investment Coach:Go get um.....go get um Uncle Eric:I tell you what In walks that one that one girl from Tough Enough that seems to now work for the WWE.....you know....whats her name.....but it's funny because Al gives her this look like"Who are you".......lol....I thought it was funny.......anyway she has a note for Uncle Eric Whats her Name:Excuse me Mr.Bishoff this is for you She hands Uncle Eric a note For a couple of seconds they all just look at her Coach:Be gone.... Al: Go away.....you can't find good help these days Editors note: lol Al:I'd fire her Eric: I don't think so.....Guys I have two half naked women waiting for me in my office Al:Really? Coach: For real? Uncle Eric: For real Coach:And you are standing here because? Al:Why? Eric: I'm gone Nelly......this Evolution thing Al:Yea Coach:Go get um Boss Al:It's good to be the Boss Fade out
Fade in Much later we hear JR theme song and out comes the Coach wearing a white cowboy hat .......then the King's theme music is keyed up and out comes Al down the ramp wearing a Crown and a cape.....see he is dressed as the King .....anyway they make their way to the table at ringside that Shane had put Kane thru earlier in the show....there are chairs for Al and Coach to sit on and headphones ect......they shot up to JR and the King and we find that their sound has been cut off.....so it looks like Al and Coach will be calling the next match.......which is between Test and Val........you pretty much can guess the set up they goof on JR and the King and what not Al looking for Puppies from Stacy ect ect...... The match ends and they go to a break when they come back the King is in the ring......he gots something to say King: Hey you two Bozos right there you may be able to have our Mikes turned off you may come down here and sit and look like a couple of morons..but I'll tell you something Al Snow you and I do not have to wait till Unforgiven if you want to show everybody that you are better then the King why don't we do it right here in this ring tonight!!!!!!......come on Al: You want to take on me???.....right now? King: Yea I want you Coach:What do you think? Al Alright......I'll be happy to take you on right here right now tonight Coach: I like it business is about to pick up baby Al starts taking off his King stuff......fade to black Fade in Coach joins JR to help with the color of the match JR: What the hell to you want? Coach:What is up JR???.....I thought you might need some help.....since King is about to get his ass kicked by Al Snow JR: You are wrong about that I don't need your help Mean time in the ring Al and King Tie up Al puts King in a headlock and flips King to the mat.....Al rolls around the King and goes for a 1 count They shot back to JR and Coach bitching at each other Al and King tie up again......Holy Cow.....Arm Bars????.....this is not a match for the ages I can tell you that...King gets tired of the Arm Bars and punches Al in the face knocking Al to the mat....King does something and gets a two count...... Anyway this goes on until we get to the punch line I t looked like Al was setting King up for the Snow Plow but the King Reversed it into inside cradle for the pin.....oh gosh Al......Pin me Pay me 2003 style Coach:That should not have happened.......that can't happen....... JR: That a boy King Coach:I'm leaving JR: Well leave then JR: Get the hell out of here you cry baby Coach gets up to leave and walks away only to turn and smack Jr from behind......JR seems to be passed out having a nightmare of Kane burning his ass or something.........Fade to black Fade in.....King is back and he helps JR up JR: I will fight his ass at Unforgiven!!!!!!!!!! Now it is dark
Unforgiven 9/22/03.....Webmaster Wayne-O reporting Al and the King tie up first .,,,,,,,,something like a Shoulderblock by the King for two count....... Al gets a two count of his own. ......Algives some chops to the King in the corner......Al punches the King for a while King fights out with some punches.... then a flying fist off the middle ropes and a punch to Al's noodle..... King goes for the cover gets two Al gets clotheslines the King for a two count........a rollup gets two for Al....... Into the corner and Al beats on the King some more then whisps the King for the ride and on the way back gets clotheslined All this time there are no announcers for the match..... Side headlock by Al and he beats on the King....... Into the ropes and Al hits the King with a back body drop...... but King blocks it.......Ahhhhh look out...... Piledriver by the King but Al gets his foot on the ropes just before three They punche at each other untill Al tags in Coach Coach tries to choke out the King........ a whip into the corner....Coach beats on the King and goes for a cover and gets a two count........Coach tries for another cover but the King gets his foot up on the rope Coach whips the King into the corner.and goes for a Bronco Buster or something and misses .......oh no Al is taged in but gets knocked back out..... the King gets punches on Coach....... fans chant "We Want JR".......the King is down....... JR comes in and low blows the Coach and clothesline Coach over the top........JR kicks Coach in the guts a few times, then JR gets over th Coach and gets some punches in....... Hey?.........what the hell here comes Jericho whacks JR in the back and Coach goes for the cover............... Ha.......JR does the J.O.B. at the PPV....... Don't cry JR.....theres no crying in Wrestling
Special Raw Report 9/29/03.....your Webmaster Wayne-0!@#%* reporting Well at the start of Raw Bishoff tells Coach that he can have any match he would like against good old JR. ......Coach thinks that maybe he would like to have a good old Country Whipping match.....Jericho who happened to be in the ring too stated that maybe that might not be a good idea since JR is a healing from when Kane (Who wrestled without a shirt on....which was odd in and of it's self) Lighted old JR on fire.....but you know Uncle Eric still thought it was a good idea so the match was on Jericho joined Al at the Announcers table See the thing is they both had belts that they could use on each other.....it started out with JR getting the best of the Coach .......Coach getting in and out of the ring to get away.....Coach stoped to talk to fans only to get whipped by JR.... but that soon changed went JR ened up in a corner At one point as JR is down on the mat Coach talks trash in JR's face ........JR pulls Coach's belt away.....Coach looks around and sees that JR's belt is laying in a corner so he goes and gets it...Coach acts like he is going to hit JR but stops and pulls up JR's shirt..... JR hits Coach with a low blow.....JR gets up and puts a whoopen on the Coach.....JR pulls of Coach's shirt......whack....whack.....whack on the Coach's back.....Eric tries to get in the ring...JR give Uncle Eric a whoop'en......... Holy Cow!!!!!.......Coach turns and JR hits the Coach with a Stone Cold Stunner.......JR covers Coach for the one....two ....three....... JR and the King win their Jobs back....... End of story