A little about my Family.......

Donald and I have been together for 9 years now, and married for only 3 of them. It's funny, but even after all of this time, we are not sick of each other and we always seem to have so much to talk about. We have four children between us. He brought two wonderful Children (Jonathan,14 and Anne,10)into our world, and helped to create two more fantastic Children. (Spencer Eric Lee,31 mo. and Samantha Paige,14 mo.) Just this year, we decided that I should quit my job as a Mail Carrier for the U.S. Postal Service to stay home with the kids and to help ensure that our Janitorial and Maintenace Co. is successful. Everything has worked out beautifully so far...........

I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people around. I wanted a good marriage - I got a Prince!! I wanted cute babies, I got Cherubs!! I wanted a house, I got a home!! I wanted friends, I got Parent Soup!!

Let's go look through the pages!

2nd Page!!: A little about me, my favorites, my friends
My Guestbook: Please be sure to sign Today!!!!
PARENT SOUP PICTURES: This page has The Doo Family and the Family of Rikki-M (M=mIRC)
More Soup Pictures here!: Have fun seeing who is who!
Super-Soupers!!!!: She-Wolf, Grandpa and Jerigirl are all here!
Another page in the Soup Photo album!: Treehugger,Turkman and PsSharnken
There sure are a lot of people here!: This page will have Paprkia, I-Wuv-U and ....Hobbit!
More Madchatters!: JudyG-and a few others..........Come take a peek!
Another one! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !: Ok- here is what a few of your favorite chatter'er's look like!
Yes- More pictures!: More more more more and more!
More Even!: Will this never end? LOL
Look who's here!!!!: A very attractive man and.............
Rikki-M's House!: I love the way this place is decorated!
YES!!! I DID ANOTHER ONE!!: some very nice people here - Some to see Mumu and more!
More pals and buddies!: I don't even know what else to say, except that I made another page!
Smile!! I have more pictures!!!: hmm. and I wonder who this can be????????
P-Soup! grab a cracker!!!: what can I say? I'm a wild web page writing woman! LOL
Click here to see some pictures!: Here is: (click to find out!)
Is Soup Done?: More ingrediants on this page!
The page everyone has been waiting for...........: ok- ok- I am finally here-where I belong!
Kerri-LilCardinal-Vixen: Some of my favorite Chatters and yours!
The (2nd) newest page!: Micki - TwoCute - Shady
All sorts of Soupers and Medical Personnel: The Dr. and The Nurses are in!
Deira and Peachie - who are these Ladies?: Come and see!
AutoMom-Dialady-Blender: Go see what they look like!
Click here: GadgetGirl-Brenda-Rabits
The latest Soup Meet!: Rikki/Judy/Smiely/Deira are here!
A few more pictures: You will find GingerMom- Delusional - Nine
The KissDeb page!: yes, she is there!
Kerri Lynn - Windy City and how I see myself!: Can't even begin to describe this page! LOL
Not sure who is here yet: This page hasn't been added yet!