Hello everyone my name is Alan. I have been
asked to review for Aaron’s review section and what can Isay,
anything for a friend. A brief synopsis of what this is about. I
happen to be a very opinionated person and I have a wide range of
experiences. I am not a fanboy of anything except my son. Which
makes me an ideal choice for a reviewer. Aaron has asked me to
review everything under the sun. I will be reviewing movies, video
games, books, other websites, and even fan fiction from
www.theforce.net (or any place else I can get my hands on a
good story). I think of all these things, all types of fan fiction
are my favorite. Hopefully Aaron will post a link to my email and
you aspiring writers can blow me up and I will give you an
unbiased (and hopefully helpful) opinion. Now on to the show.
Email Alan
Although you all know who I am I do not think you
have ever SEEN me. So here I am.
good friend Alan and I talk everyday at work. We talk
about everything: Religion, movies, video games, comic books,
politics, books, web sites, science, Star Wars etc. Well,
we got tired of reading all these forums and opinions of
everyone else. So I suggested we post our own opinions
here on my web site. You don't have to like, enjoy, read
or get offended from anything you read here as it is all just
our opinion on various subjects. We hope that you will
have fun here. And perhaps find new things that you may
have never found without coming here. Enjoy!