FIRST GRADING PERIOD Due Tuesday, August 28 Binder, notebook, 2 blue/black pens, emergency card to advisory teacher Due Wednesday, August 29 Study Skills Survey (take your time and be honest) Due Thursday/Friday, August 30/31 1) Signed Syllabus 2) Quiz on Syllabus Due Tuesday/Wednesday, September 4/5 (1pg.) What are you most proud of when it comes to your culture? (explain why) Due Thursday/Friday, September 6/7 1) Signed Grade Sheet (parent) 2) Page of History Project (present work) Due Tuesday/Wednesday, September 11/12 1) Bring in one current events news article (non sports) 2) E-mail "me", your teacher. Put your NAME and PERIOD in the SUBJECT line of the e-mail. *changes because of the national tragegy.... Due Monday, September 17 1) Grade Sheet #2 2) Article from last week 3) Activite Learner Handout Due Tuesday/Wednesday, September 18/19 Map Geography (handout) - label all the continents, oceans, and major seas Due Thursday/Friday, September 20/21 1) Grade Sheet 3 2) Idea Web (graphic organizer) for your civilization (based on any 4 of the 5 traits)- use notes in notebook for traits Due Monday, September 24 Geography Quiz 7 continents 3 major oceans a few seas (see board) Due Tue/Wed, September 25/26 Outline and 1st Draft (Civilization Essay) - see handout or Early Civilization Link above Due Th/Fri, September 27/28 a) Essay Packet - Web, outline, edited 1st draft, peer edit sheet, final draft, and bibliography. b) Grade Sheet #4 --------End of the first grading period ------------------ Due Monday, Oct. 1 - Museum project (map or model) -see handout Due Tue/Wed., Oct. 2/3 Read the Youth Commission lettter on the 9/11 incident. Pull 5 quotes of your choice, and write a response as to why you selected each. Due Th/Fri, Oct. 4/5 a) grade sheet #5 b) participation grade for the First G.P. - see handout Due Tue/Wed., Oct. 9/10 1-Read pages 252-255 How did Muhammad become the prophet of Islam? What are the teachings of Islam? (summarize) How did Islam help shape the way of life of its believers? 2- Read pages 261-266 How were the Muslim society and economy organized? What traditions influenced Muslim art and literature? What advances did Muslims make in centers of learning? *attempt to write in your own words, unless you take a direct "quote" For example: Muslim farmers had many jobs. They "cultivated sugar can, cotton, and dyes." Due Th/Fri Oct. 11/12 Read pages 45-47 1) What were the main events in the early history of the Israelites? 2) How did the Jews view their relationship with GOD? 3) What "moral" and "ethical" ideas did the prophets teach? Due Monday, Oct. 15 Grade sheet for week 1 and 2 Geography (Middle East) - see pink HW schedule (and handout) Due Tue/Wed, Oct. 16/17 Readings: pages 900-901, plus "Two Claims to Palestine" handout. Write: A letter to the United Nations explaining your thoughts on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Include details of the key events. Tell the United Nations what "you" think should be done. Due Thur/Fri, Oct. 18/19 a) study for exam (see study guide) b) notebook due (turn in spiral notebook) c) grade sheet week 3 Due Monday, Oct. 22 Island Constitution - see handout Due Tues/Wed., Oct. 23/24 Philosophy - Main ideas of various individuals (see handout) Due Th/Fri. October 25/26 Type your work for the Press Conference (one of the following): -Actor - a 2 minute speech on your views on how government should be run -Public Relations Agent - a 30 second introduction speech of your actor, plus a list of your actor's view of how a government should be run -Investigative Reporter - Use form 1.2D (student handout) to develop 20 questions for those who have different views than those of your actor. The questions should be designed to bring out "weaknesses" in the views of other actors. This will make your actor's views look stronger! *All actors can be found in the index of your textbook! Due Tue/Wed. October 30/31 1) Label map of Europe: Mediterranean Sea, English Channel, Atlantic Ocean, Black Sea, Spain, Portugal, France, United Kingdom (England), Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Greece, Turkey, Poland, Ukraine 2) Study for Midterm Exam (see Study Guide Th/Fri) Due Thur/Fri., November 1 and 2 Study for midterm exam (see handout) --------end of second grading period ----------------- Due Thur/Fri., Nov. 8 and 9 Cultural Travel Brochure/Guide "Status of the Community" Report (Ecology) *Enlightenment HW... (see handout) Due: Tuesday/Wednesday Nov. 13/14 Answer the following questions: Confucianism (pgs. 89-92) 1.Who was Confucius? What did he teach? What were his views on government? Legalism (pgs. 89-92) 2.Describe how this philosophy views governing society? Daoism (pgs. 89-92) 3.Who was Laozi? What did he teach? What were his views on government? Buddhism (pgs. 78-79) 4.Who was Siddhartha Gautama? What did he hope to discover? What were the key beliefs of Buddha? 5.Vocabulary - Enlightenment, caste, reincarnation, dharma, karma and nirvana Due: Thursday/Friday Nov. 15/16 Geography -Map (pg 1004) Russia, Mongolia, China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea, Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Arctic Ocean Due Tuesday/Wednesday November 27/28 Geography --Identify the following on the United Kingdom of Great Britain map: -Atlantic Ocean, English Channel, North Sea, Ireland, North Ireland, Scotland, England, Wales, and the Thames River. Draw in the following rivers: Severn, Mersey, Tyne, and Humber . (Pages: 497 and 1006) Due Thursday/Friday November 29/30 Read page 498-501 a)Why was the Industrial Revolution a major "turning point"? Read pages 501-504 b) Explain the reasons why Britain was the first to Industrialize. c) Describe the changes that transformed the textile (clothing) industry. d) Describe what new technologies helped start the Industrial Revolution. 2) Signed Grade Sheet Week #4 Due Tuesday/Wednesday December 4/5 Vocabulary: (pg. 1013) anesthetic, enclosure, smelt, capital, factory, turnpike, urbanization, tenement, labor union, means of production, dynamo, assembly line, stock, corporation, cartel, urban renewal, standard of living, women's suffrage -Give the meaning of each word -Create "your own" sentence for each word Due Thursday/Friday December 6/7 Outline for your Industrial Revolution Essay (hand written OK) Signed Grade Sheet Week #5 Due Monday, December 10 (Typed) Outline and First Draft of the Industrial Revolution Paper Due BEFORE Wednesday, December 12 (3:30 pm, hand delivered) (Typed) Outline, edited First Draft, and Final Draft of the Industrial Revolution Paper Now study for your final exam!!! SPRING SEMESTER--------------------------------- Tue/Wed, January 8/9 HW Due: Read pages 618-620 1. Vocabulary/Key Terms: Imperialism, direct rule, indirect rule, protectorate, sphere of influence 2. Why was the Industrial Revolution connected to this New Imperialism? 3. What advantages did the Western powers have? 4. Describe the resistance and criticism to this New Imperialism. Thurs/Fri, January 10/11 HW Due: Read pages 621-626 1. Vocabulary/Key Terms: jihad, missionary, elite (what are they?) 2. Key Individuals/People: Livingstone, Leopold, Nehanda, Touré (who were they?) 3. How did Ethiopia survive imperialism? 4. What was the purpose and outcome of the Berlin Conference of 1884? 5. What two countries took the most land in Africa? (pg. 623)