"poverty" A SUBJECT
Unorganised sector and social security

Unorganized sectors have contributed largely to promote poverty level. Nearly 70% of the total working population in poor and developing are from unorganized sectors; they are without any social security and pension schemes. This is the large area, which has escaped attentions of many Governments of poor and developing countries.I give a small example as if a person from informal sector meets an accident/ gets ill for long time/ remains unemployed/old age when unable to work etc. Under these circumstances person has no alternate for food/shelter. This is all due to lack of involving this informal sector to the mainstream of UNO or ILO. Old aged people percentage is growing every day. This issue has to be treated human rights issue.

click below website for more:-

old woman and her hut

Make old age a GOLD age!!!! Secure old age
Parliaments/ assemblies of many countries discuss a lot of problems religion, terrorism, security and arms, modernization and what not but when the real issue of human security  comes, they fail to recognize

Lack of social security in informal security has escalated old age poverty level in India and developed countries

Nearly 75-80% of total working population are involved in unorganized sector employment who lack social security. No attention drawn towards this grim condition by International bodies or Governments. If done they are on papers and not on practice.

Impact of the Economic Crisis on Workers in the Unorganised Sector in Rajasthan. Calculation of Gross Value Added in the Unorganised Sector. Unorganised Sector Workforce in India. Unorganised Sector Workers' Social Security Bill, 2005. Social Security for the Unorganised Sector. Labour Activism and Women in the Unorganised Sector

International Social Security Association - Extending social protection for unorganized sector workers in India: One step forward, two steps backward? Policy interventions for bridging the social security coverage gap in the unorganized sector in the BRIC countries. The extension of social protection to non-formal sector workers, with specific reference to social insurance coverage: Some recent developing country experiences.......
Financial express (Unorganised sector) - Four in fray for unorganised sector pension scheme job. Separate Pension Regulator For The Unorganised Sector To Be Appointed Soon.......