"poverty" A SUBJECT

Nearly 39% world population live in 2 countries (india and china). India will over take and will become most populated country (if steps are not taken)

Second biggest curse to poor countries is uncontrolled growth of population resulting poverty.

. ONE LOAF OF BREAD AND SIX PEOPLE TO EAT. Over 70% of 6.2 billion-world populations, live in poor countries alone. Unprecedented growth of human population, and in particular the steep increase of human numbers in the worlds poor countries results to malnourished and dying children, slum growth, disease, illiteracy, and social and political crisis, develops scarcity of all basic requirements. Concern of overpopulation and its impact on environment by deforestation and desertification, pollution in air and water a threat to world ecology. Shortage adds up crisis of mass infiltration and deportation resulting civil unrest and neighbor disputes. Literate societies in poor countries mostly opt for one or two children but illiterates and semi-literates have religious feelings that children are god gift and obstacles not acceptable to them.

Family planning program failure has become joke to youth for naughty joke entertainment. Has failed to serve its purpose due to inefficient implementation or communication in poor countries. Condoms have become balloons for children to play. Still rural people feel shy when talked about sex and population control this prevents them to adopt methods. Especially rural women, illiteracy is so intense in them that they dont even like to see doctors explaining them about family planning. For some women who are educated and want to adopt family planning they have other problem from boss (husband) and bosss boss (mother in law) for using contraceptives. Sex education should be developed in a pattern that family planning becomes boon for them instead of sin. Fear among rural women of side effects of using contraceptives partly fails purpose Illiterates of rural villages want their house full of flowers (children) Poor families have feeling that more the children they have better the income they get, this social evil results by inefficient education system. Governments should boldly make decisions to control excessive growth of population even if they have to take harsh decisions. This can be achieved by announcing incentives and disincentives:

· Education of fewer children to citizens is soft method of controlling but is useful to only literate class who are already adapted to fewer children. Semi-literates with partial success. Illiterates and have their reasons - religion is one of the big factors that illiterates misunderstand. Religious leaders are very helpful; taking religious leaders into confidence would definitely give partial success. Second reason what illiterates perceive is that more the children more the income this perception is definitely wrong and dangerous. For this some harsh steps to be taken.

· Announcing incentives and disincentive to have limited children will be high success to control excessive growth of population.

A- Entitlement of subsidized food articles and services small families. It looks difficult in democratic countries, subsidy to be allocated by grading small family and big family would help.

B- Entitlement and non-entitlement to government positions and promotions. Most neglected area in poor countries as even today the ministers and high officials have excessive children this should be discouraged at all if Governments are sincere to encourage family planning.

C- Entitlement of special preference for small family of poor category to upgrade standard of living by way of loan and education of small scale industry to set up.

Accountability of Central and state heads: Each central/ state/ district and local area head should be made responsible and accountable in his or her legislative area. This would be a grate step. Conscious of responsibility would definitely control population. Also these heads would be helpful to upgrade their areas.

Urban population and poverty is growing day by day. Will this be a headache one day for country planners? Cause of urban overgrowth of population and poverty is lack of job opportunities for illiterates or semi-literates in villages.
Around 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes.

Facts and Figures on Population(bread.org):-  Today our world houses 6.55 billion people. The United States is a part of the developed or industrialized world, which consists of about 57 countries with a combined population of about 1 billion, less than one sixth of the world’s population.  In contrast, approximately 5.1 billion people live in the developing world. This world is made up of about 125 low and middle-income countries in which people generally have a lower standard of living with access to fewer goods and services than people in high-income countries.  The remaining 0.4 billion live in countries in transition, which include the Baltic states, eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Speedy population growth - Urban /rural division of countries - By 2030 in North America 84.6%, Latin America and the Caribbean 84.1%, Oceania 76.2%, Europe 80.6%, Asia 54.1%, Africa 52.6% population will live in urban cities (Geohive.com). As far as Asia urban inhabitant figure are concerned, these figures need to be re-evaluated as most of villages in India and China (which comprises 40% of world population) are empty as a result of intense migration to cities for seeking jobs. Major portion of migrants settle down in cities with families. By 2050, population raise to 9.149 billion as compared to present 6.908 billion. The indications are for daunting future. Link to this site for more information of future world - Urbanization and Calamity.

Among Climate Threats, Military Leaders See Population Growth, Natural Resources as Key Factors

Radio 4 and 4 Extra Blog - Can the world's population really fit on the Isle of Wight? More or Less is back

Over 200 million women currently lack access to family planning. They are concentrated in the world’s poorest countries, like Niger and Yemen, where there are high birth rates, very limited...

Meeting the Need for Family Planning: Still a Long Way to Go - The new Guttmacher Study reports that “the effects of filling the current unmet need for modern contraceptive methods would be dramatic: Unintended pregnancies would decline by two-thirds, from 80 million to 26 million. There would be 26 million fewer abortions (including 16 million fewer unsafe procedures). There would be 21 million fewer unplanned births. Seven million fewer miscarriages would occur. Pregnancy-related deaths would drop by 79,000. Most of this reduction (48,000) would take place in Sub-Saharan Africa, the region with the highest levels of both maternal mortality and unmet need for contraception. There would be 1.1 million fewer infant deaths.”

Population Media center - Acting for change - Global human population tripled during the 20th century and is currently near 7 billion. Human population diminishes the planetary resource base, increases demand and prices, and is a cause of the present global recession. Nevertheless, global human population is presently increasing by about 80 million annually. Norman and the United States as a whole have contributed. The U.S. human population quadrupled during the 20th century and continues to increase today. Norman’s population was about 27,000 in 1950, 52,000 in 1970, 97,000 in 2000, and was 111,000 in 2010.

National Geographic - Quiz: Population 7 Billion—Could We All Fit in One City?

Population Projections: United States and the World - For centuries upon centuries, the world population never exceeded a billion people. Then in 1900 there were 1.6 billion people living on this planet. In 2000, population had nearly quadrupled to 6 billion people. Most demographers believe that further population gains will occur throughout this century before eventually topping out and stabilizing. The stabilizing population, according to experts, is to be around 9 to 10 billion people.

World Hunger and Poverty: How They Fit Together (bread.org):-   854 million people across the world are hungry, up from 852 million a year ago. Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--one child every five seconds.  In essence, hunger is the most extreme form of poverty, where individuals or families cannot afford to meet their most basic need for food. Hunger manifests itself in many ways other than starvation and famine. Most poor people who battle hunger deal with chronic undernourishment and vitamin or mineral deficiencies, which result in stunted growth, weakness and heightened susceptibility to illness. Countries in which a large portion of the population battles hunger daily are usually poor and often lack the social safety nets we enjoy, such as soup kitchens, food stamps, and job training programs. When a family that lives in a poor country cannot grow enough food or earn enough money to buy food, there is nowhere to turn for help.  In 2004, almost 1 billion people lived below the international poverty line, earning less than $1 per day. 9 Among this group of poor people, many have problems obtaining adequate, nutritious food for themselves and their families. As a result, 820 million people in the developing world are undernourished. They consume less than the minimum amount of calories essential for sound health and growth. Undernourishment negatively affects people’s health, productivity, sense of hope and overall well-being. A lack of food can stunt growth, slow thinking, sap energy, hinder fetal development and contribute to mental retardation. Economically, the constant securing of food consumes valuable time and energy of poor people, allowing less time for work and earning income. Socially, the lack of food erodes relationships and feeds shame so that those most in need of support are often least able to call on it.

Mismanaged Population growth is curse to the nation as well as the world.

But becomes boon when managed intelligently as population is source of economic and fiscal growth of a country. However, need systematic arrangements to consume population power.