Illiterates and semi-literates opt for prostitution
and educated like to be called as call girls/ boys. Number of call girls/ boys growing day by day. Is it an indication of
growth of unemployment among educated class?
It is generally misunderstood that by inviting investments on heavy and high tech industries
will solve the employment problem. This is beneficial to only few thousands rich international rich companies, enjoy their
investment and returns which further benefits to rich countries and few urban literate population who get employment or change
for betterment whereas nearly 70% of population of poor countries live in villages are illiterate or semi-literates having
major percentage of unemployment. This rich category invests in poor countries to get products made at cheaper labour cost
and sell at high price.
Rather this section requires more attention for generation of employment as due to dominant
category in population of the country are directly related to poverty and programs. For example, industrial development should
be framed in such a pattern that rural illiterates grow fruits (labour intensive) and modern machines (capital intensive)
governed by literate class process fruits and sell in the market. This way both categories are benefited. This process should
follow until the illiteracy level is achieved.
LABOUR MARKET: Developed and rich countries should open international labour market free for unskilled
and semi skilled workforce from poor countries. Study reveals that more and more industrialization and literacy people opt
to go for white and blue color jobs, mainly in rich and developed countries there is still enormous demand of such workers
like carpenters, laborers, painters, plumbers, mechanics, helpers, cleaners and other low skilled workers. Local population
of rich and developed countries pay hefty amount to get overflowing tap repaired of a kitchen even then you call and take
time. This reveals the gap between demand and supply, can be pruned by employing from poor nations will also definitely consume
some percentage of unskilled and semi-skilled workers lying unemployed in poor countries. Salary received by them is highly
useful to balancing trade deficit and will have chances to launch capital-intensive projects or social security.
recession world wide recent days is due to limited buying power of world population". One of the ways to overcome unemployment
is to increase number of customers in the world, depends on increasing income of world population that is possible only by
generating employment
Employment for rural illiterates
Unemployment level is nearly 40-45% in poor countries among which rural village illiterates/
semi-literate contributes major percentage.
The global aviation industry may have
shed as many as 400,000 jobs in the aftermath of the 11 September attacks on the United States, according to study by the
International Labour Organisation
Need Jobs does not only mean producing number of graduates. Present policies have deeply misunderstood education system. Education should also mean improving research for job creation prospects