Parents have major role who gave birth and nourish to upgrade the daughters status but absence of their initiative
results to social harassment Ultimate objective of parents is arrange marriage of their daughter to well settled man instead
of making daughter self-reliant by giving proper education.
System of education need to be upgraded as education does not mean only to read and write (I call this as semi-educated
because in Government/ International organizations record they are educated but for employment purpose they are not fit).
Education should also mean learning basics of profession, which can help entering into the profession.
Preference and incentives to parents of daughters, and girl students for higher and professional education.
· As
educated women in urban areas feel better independence and understanding of population control is better. Urban high schools
and college students can be of grate help. Not only the rural children are educated but it also provides opportunity to urban
students for social involvement with rural population. To my opinion it should be made mandatory as higher education becomes
purposeful which updates the plights and brings ideas of solutions. This would be a right step to involve them in socio economic.