Majority of women hate mother in laws, same is the case of mother
in laws also. With father in laws the percentage is much much less. Even after marriage women prefers and deeply attached
to her parents than inlaws
One of 10 people is now over 60 years of age; in 2050,
it is estimated that one in five will be over 60 years of age. In developed countries, 74% of the elderly live in urban areas,
where there is access to social welfare schemes. In less developed countries, only 37% of the elderly live in urban areas,
they live in large slums and there is no guarantee that they will get proper care. Between 2000-2050, the old-age dependency
ratio will double in developed countries and triple in less developed countries. 55% of the worlds older population is women;
the ratio of women to men increases with age.
In Roman and Greek civilizations age was quality and respectful
though they were to out of public affairs yet they were respected for the wisdom. In the midrash
to the Book of Genesis, B'reshit Rabbah (63:6), it is illustrated that: "He who welcomes an elder, is as if he welcomed the
divine presence.. Lord has commanded, `Worship none but Him, and show kindness to parents. If one of them or both of
them attain old age, never say unto them any word expressive of disgust nor reproach them, but (always) address them with
excellent speech. And lower to them the wing of humility out of tenderness.' And say, `My Lord, have mercy on them even as
they nourished me (when I was) a little child.' (17:24,25). In Islam mother is of high respect. Hinduism is the best example
that lets younger to seek blessing from elders and old aged and is still practiced where modernization has not yet interfered.
All religions spoke about the respect to old aged that united the family and culture.
Today what we are is due to them they educated and cared us to grow thus
we owe their comfort and aid thought their life. What we have not experienced may be we can get better with guidance old aged
wisdom. Present modern civilization has changed the respectful atmosphere of ancient age. Materialism has deeply penetrated
in our society that has made old aged isolated and lonely. Change of attitude is due to too much of complexity of life for
younger generation.
- In this whole episode old aged women are in much depressing
situation especially in Asian developing and underdeveloped countries where most of them were housewives or worked in unorganized
sectors, which lacked social security and the absence of lack of social security is disastrous. What surprises me that over
70% of total working population in unorganized sectors have escaped attention of all the Governments?
- Initiation
to joint family needs to be addressed where old aged get their respect. Isolation and loneliness is like living in hell though
it may be in old aged house or a five star hotel. Social organizations should come forward to encourage joint family to young
generations especially in developed regions as they are heading too materialistic without realizing their future old age.
- In most
cases separation is due to due to daughter in law and mother in law conflict resulting due to modern and old generation and
communication gap. This gap if not filled but realization need to be addressed to young generation that what they do today,
their children will do the same in future as it is training to their children. Mahabharata, Santi Parva.Sec CCXXVII describes
that (Kal yuga) future sin and bad time when daughter in law will set the aged mother in law to work, this was referred for
present modern time.
- Policies
of Governments should also be in accordance to the social problems. It is a responsibility Government and social organizations
to teach new generation the aftermath affect of disregarding their old aged parents. As the old aged percentage of population
is growing day by day will bring high burden on Governments for budgetary allocation for social security, will have to come
with new solutions.
- There
need to be a policy of governments to levy major part of social security from the working new generations whose parents live
in old age houses and part from those who live in their houses, will mean encouraging them to keep their parents with them
and will be beneficial to governments to minimize future social security budget allocations.
- Education
system should not only mean to learn academic in future or opt perfect employment. Teaching of respect and discipline need
emphasis during basic education in all educational institutions. Lacking of this is causing this type of problem in our modern
- Religious
strength should be fully utilized by religious guidance to respect. Most of religious organizations are out of what they are
supposed to do to the society. Religions are losing to political frames and are becoming political places. Restructuring religions
under guidance of respectable religious leaders will be highly beneficial to society for social life.
Don't ask age of a woman!!
Facing Age: Women Growing Older in an Anti-aging Culture:- Facing Age examines the relationship between
aging and women in a culture obsessed with youthfulness. From weight gain, to wrinkles, to sagging skin, to gray hair, the
book explores older women's complex and often contradictory feelings about their bodies and the physical realities of growing
older. Drawing on in-depth interviews conducted over a ten year period, Hurd Clarke brings alive feminist theories about aging,
beauty work, femininity, and the body.
Woman has more patience in life than man
Woman takes care of children better than man
Religions of most undeveloped/ underdeveloped countries see woman as untouchable
and are isolated during their menses period
and domination are the major causes of domestic violence